the past week has been a blur of going outs, eating ins and having fun. but nothing still changes the fact that debby's leaving soon.. =(
one of last going outs with deb at sunway. kimgary's! yummmmm.. i HAVE to learn how to make cheesebaked rice. =) watched herbie:fully loaded too. pretty cute lah. typical disney feel-good movie. heh. from left is hetty, me, deb and chiam.
debby's farewell dinner party at chiam's place. we COOKED! well, plus deb's ordered chicken wings from shakey's.. but well.. i cooKed. tho it was only potato wedges and sausages in tomato sauce, but the fact still remains. i cooked! wahahaaaa.. and it was pretty okay too, if i must say so myself. wahahaaaa. so bangga. chiam made the sayurs and deb made the jelly. had fun lah although it was such last minute planning. ehehe.. here's a pose of everyone looking cool..

.. or not. ahaha..

here's another farewell for debs but this time it's at pizza hut and with the girls. wonder where david came from? ahahaaaa.. from left, chiam, carol, judy, lizzie, alicia, deb, me, david.
this has been such a busy week. and i've barely started my assignments! agH. i'll do them when deb leaves tho. only have few days left with her.. =( i'm gonna miss her so much.
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