fireflies and seafood.
saturday night was fun. yeapz. =)left vista prima with jeremy and ben before 0400pm to go to ckk to meet up with everyone else. THEN left for kuala selangor with jeremy, adrian and micheal while everyone else were in ben's car.
the trip didnt feel too long tho. before you know it, we were already there at the restaurant where we had our seafood dinner. yuM. that was good food i tell you. 'ho liau' ah. ahahaa.. now, the pic here isnt too clear but well. can kinda see a bit of it lar if you can make out what is what. =) clockwise from top left is CRABS! ahaha. then really good sotong, and even better bamboo clams (? - not sure of exact name. first time having it. heh.), great fish, and in the centre there's prawns. no space in the picture for the sayur tho but that's not the point. ahaha.. wow. that was such a great dinner for so cheap. only paid rm17 per person. i for one wouldnt mind going there a second time. ehehee..

yuM. after dinner, we resumed our trip. went the wrong way at one point and ended up backtracking quite a bit. finally found the junction in but it was so dark. so twilight zone-ish. ahahaa.. but it was good after that. arrived at the firefly reserve. i THINK it's a reserve anyway. heh. paid rm10 per person but i think it's worth it.
it was a dark river. really dark and really still. as we left the clearing where the bright lights still shone, we could slowly start to see twinkling lights in the trees. according to our guide, it was a certain kind of tree that those species of fireflies only go for. it's called the 'berembang'. no english name; and i forgot the scientific name. =)
it was so beautiful; so christmas tree-like. they were all tiny - around the size of mosquitoes. our guide was real nice coz he rowed our boat right to the side of the trees so we could hold the fireflies in our hands. he even said we could bring them home if we wanted to, but we would have to know how to take care of them coz they're very sensitive creatures. he was explaining to us all about the fireflies and stopped two more times for us to play. gee. i sound so kiddish. ahahaaa.. but it was a fun feeling. you just dont get to see so many fireflies at one place too often. and to have them in your hands somemore.. the joy.
eheh. finally left the place about before 1000pm. went to some mamak in subang coz MANCHESTER UNITED was playing. ahahaa.. *sigh. guys and their football.
arrived home about 1200am in good spirits and so sleepy. doubted i would be able to wake for mass the next day but i did! =) so happy. randy 'fong' my 'fei kei' again but luckily jeremy came along this week. or else i would've ended up not going.
which comes to the same conclusion again, and that is = i need a car. teehee. not safe to travel in cabs alone yknow..
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