Wednesday, October 26, 2005

the girl.

she sits in class, obviously bored. her classmates are presenting some topic about malaysia as a tourist destination way up front but she cannot seem to pay attention. she doodles. she writes nonsense.

her friend next to her flips through a TIME magazine. she looks longingly at it. she glances around, hoping to find something to do or think about.

she thinks of how hungry she is. okay stop. she tries NOT to think about how hungry she is.

oh look. her friend has just put down her magazine to do something else. she snags it and looks through. ooh, cool ad. but wonder what's the whole concept? no meaning. she has a thing for ads recently. flip flip flip. no nicer ads. just some celeb promoting another diamond-studded watch. so biasa lah. nothing new. there's an article on the recent kashmir quake though. flip flip. 'can mercedes be a star again?' interesting. she looks through the pictures. nice cars. flip.

somewhere in the near distance she hears the sound of her classmate's voice fade slowly, replaced by that of her lecturer that seems to be getting slightly louder:

'i hope all of us understand that one of your classmates are trying to present up here. i know your TIME magazines and everything else might seem more interesting, but could you at least show a bit of respect?'



and there she was thinking no one would notice. face flushed, she puts the magazine down and pretends to pay attention, her mind filled with a mono-syllable word: 'shyt shyt shyt.' it seems to go on forever.

she hates that. being made to feel like that, that is. she's always the goody girl who tries hard to please everyone, always wanting to give a good impression of herself. she doesnt want to, but it's just a natural feeling. and things like this hurt, especially coming from someone she looks up to. shyt.

now she feels bad. she tries hard to pay attention now, but her mind wanders again. and the process repeats itself.. only this time, she's smarter and does not flip through magazines in clear view of her lecturer. one can only be stupid once. at least within the hour, anyway.

heh. =)


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