Thursday, January 12, 2006

thank You God..

for my 3.87 gpa and 3.85 cgpa!

i'm so happy happy happy that i cant sleep! but which is prolly coz i've slept the whole day already lah but no matter. hehe.

thank You so much for blessing me with my grades!! i know, i know.. they're probably not too great to some of you but to me they seriously only can be blessings from above. and unlike SOME ppl aka tasha the smart ass genius who got a 4.0 gpa (what the hell right?? ahaha) that i'm very happy for but also wanna throttle her for coz seriously, it's impossible to be so smart! but i'm still very glad for her anyway.. *huGs and major kudos to you dahling!

so anyway. i'm digressing. *BIG SMILE. thank You soooo muchhh!

seriously, this semester i've been so stressed out - after every exam only expecting the worst. i barely studied especially for subs that require LOADS of reading and memorizing (which is only actually one - media appreciation) and i BARELY passed the first written exam! *siGh. i guess i pulled through with assignments and final exam.. although i NEVER studied for that too, unless you count last minute studying in between falling asleep. ahahaa.. and that's the only B i got! whew. i really expected to fail media app. the most i'd ever expect was at least a C.. ahaha..

wow. a miracle. oh wait, no, scratch that.. a blessing from the Lord himself. thank You thank You thank You!!

ehehe as for other subs business comm and prof writing i got an A-. business comm i dont mind laa coz i also sucked in that.. but prof writing?? i was hoping for at least an A if not an A+. *siGh. guess you just cant have everything.. i'm still happy enough.. but still! ehehee.. i'm not complaining i'm not complaining.. of course, compare anyone's writing with tasha's? i'm sure rose chin wouldnt even bother to look at the rest of our papers. ahaha..

and finally.. my two A's! design study (*smug.) and intro to advertising (*double smug.).. ahahahaa.. but then i'm sure everyone else also got A's if not A+'s.. design study was fun, and so was advertising. =D but the best of all was getting the adidas report back! wheeeee.. huGs to the rest of our advertising team aka adHoc for the BEST ad ever! ahaha.. well i personally dont know if it's the best or not laa but from the way helmi commented on it, we sure did great. yay to all of us! =) we did great, didnt we?

so yeah. ahahaa.. look at me, all ramblings. gosh.. please dont mind all this nonsensical crap.. but i'm just too happy now. or, in tasha's words, the best way to describe this feeling is GLAD. *siGh. yes i'm truly glad.

thank You so much.


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