365 days.
feb 14, 2006. today marks exactly 365 days since i've been at kl. i never fail to be amazed at how time flies by so fast.. i just cant believe it. i DONT want it to pass so quickly. i DONT want all these precious moments to go by just like that. and in a quick, immature thought: i DONT want to grow up! =(
for the past two days i've been pretty.. what d'you call it? tired. dead. sad. nostalgic. homesick. all the most depressing adjectives you can think of.
dont get me wrong, i'm happy to be back. it's a new year, a new beginning.. plus i'll be starting the first year of my degree course! everything's going as it should be. but.. there's always a but, isnt there? why cant we be happy enough and satisfied with what we've got? *siGh. everything's going great, but.. something just doesnt seem right.
it just seems as though something's missing. something i cant quite put my finger on..
*huge sigh.
hopefully everything'll be back to normal when i return to uni on thursday for registration.
<3 <3 <3
i'm so friggin' tired from cleaning and moving all my stuff into my room. been at it nonstop since i arrived last night and i'm still not done! ahaha.. but things are at least a bit better today. everything's more organized. yAy. i looove my room. now all i have to do is get a warm table lamp to complement it.
too bad the tv's not working yet tho; it was previously an astro tv and since we dont want the astro, there's nothing we can watch on it coz the aerial's not up. so now we're just waiting for the landlord to fix it and we're good. =D oh, and the hi-fi set too. hRm.
<3 <3 <3
due to us being singles only on valentine's, (lol) chiamie and i had dinner together! after so long of not cooking ourselves and dinner-ing together liao. three months plus leh. ehehe.. my cooking skills also gone already. been such a spoiled brat over the hols =D
for the past two days i've been pretty.. what d'you call it? tired. dead. sad. nostalgic. homesick. all the most depressing adjectives you can think of.
dont get me wrong, i'm happy to be back. it's a new year, a new beginning.. plus i'll be starting the first year of my degree course! everything's going as it should be. but.. there's always a but, isnt there? why cant we be happy enough and satisfied with what we've got? *siGh. everything's going great, but.. something just doesnt seem right.
it just seems as though something's missing. something i cant quite put my finger on..
*huge sigh.
hopefully everything'll be back to normal when i return to uni on thursday for registration.
<3 <3 <3
i'm so friggin' tired from cleaning and moving all my stuff into my room. been at it nonstop since i arrived last night and i'm still not done! ahaha.. but things are at least a bit better today. everything's more organized. yAy. i looove my room. now all i have to do is get a warm table lamp to complement it.
too bad the tv's not working yet tho; it was previously an astro tv and since we dont want the astro, there's nothing we can watch on it coz the aerial's not up. so now we're just waiting for the landlord to fix it and we're good. =D oh, and the hi-fi set too. hRm.
<3 <3 <3
due to us being singles only on valentine's, (lol) chiamie and i had dinner together! after so long of not cooking ourselves and dinner-ing together liao. three months plus leh. ehehe.. my cooking skills also gone already. been such a spoiled brat over the hols =D

we fixed this up ourselves! *bangga. well, with a BIT of help from arthur lah, but still. girl power, man.. =)
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