saturday mornings..

i love saturdays like these. sunlight streaming in thru the windows.. that feeling inside where you know that no matter what happens, things are going to be all right.. it's that feeling of calm that you've been waiting for all week.
i like.
add to that the thought that auntie and the buggers are coming soon.. that there's a whole week of tennis heart-attacks to enjoy.. that there's singapore and shopping in just a bit.. *smiles dreamily. perfect.
but of course, minus the thought of the three assignments that i've still got to complete before next week's end.. wahaha.
so anyway.
like i've said before, the stress-iest part of the sem's over, right after the submission of the film&television take home exam (which reminds me once again that i've REALLY got to study this coming hols! dont wanna screw up next sem. yikes.) but there's still a bit more to go before i'm officially free for two months.
'sides that, the bunch of us got to be extras in the upcoming series gol&gincu which is currently being shot in limkokwing. ehehe.. we were just watching the shootings as usual as part of our industrial thingo (me, jas, h-theing and fern) when one of the asst. directors asked us to join in the scene. so voila!, first big screen appearance of us girls. lol. but to tell the truth, i'd much rather say it's a small-speck-in-the-corner-of-the-frame appearance. lol. we were basically just walking around the place to make the scene not look so empty, yet not too crowded either. jas&fern got the walking around part while h-theing&i got the walking up the stairs part. ahaha it was quite not bad. got closer to the actual realm of filmmaking even before next sem! and well, though it's a well-known fact that filmmaking isnt as glamorous as it sounds.. it really isnt! ahaha.. but i still love it anyway. cant wait to produce something big of my own. soon.. very soon. =)
havent been going out much lately, except for last week when chiamie and i went down to subang for cheryl's bday. =) it was so fun, catching up and all. makes me miss high school at times. saw lynda who i've not seen in aGes, and euphrasia too! ehehe.. managed to slot in time before that to find the two ngiauchi po's as well. so here's a shoutout to all of 'em:
ALL THE BEST TO ALL YOU A-LEVELS PPL! KICK SOME ASS. =) then we go back miri have some more fun. =D
here's piccies~!

ngiauchi po's!

group pic of subang homies.

we couldnt wait for the cake to be cut. cheryl's so scared of us! heehee.

the first day of shootings that we attended..

posers got bored waiting for class scene to end.

some more posers dreaming of bigscreen debut haha.

second day..

.. being the cam-hos that we are, we just couldnt resist. =)
okies i think that's enough vain pics for now. ahaha.. toodles~!
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