celebrated the august babies' bdays in the plaza this afternoon - veesa, sarah and shaq - to yummielicious chocolate indulgence from secret recipe.. *licks lips. yum. hehe..
happy birthdays!! and belated too. =) huGs.

no class today but suddenly had tutorials for studio photography with simon. my subject? the chair.

haha nolah was just testing the lighting and all.. cant wait for real studio photography to begin. anyone with ideas for my model?
i've been reading up language, discourses and other shite for the past few days that i swear i'm going nutters soon. the only good thing that's come out of it is that at least now foucault's starting to make more sense. not so stupid anymore ey?
hrmf i've been feeling oddly tired though lately. maybe i'm just restless. i wanna do something! auntie jenny and ivan yong come quickly!
daymn. this looks like some rushed note. lol. might as well just have a board and stick post-its then voila!, insta-blog.
okay never mind. still have more readings to do.
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