commercial break!
i just remembered something i saw together with the monkeys in kuching about a month back.we were watching pirates of the carribean: dead man's chest at the riverside cineplex (okay, i kinda forgot the name coz i only know that the other one's star cineplex, but yeah. there's only two cineplexes in kuching and this one isnt star). so there we were, enjoying the film with our popcorn and all, when suddenly, halfway thru the film..

ahaha i dont know if it's a biasa thing for cineplexes coz i admit, i havent been to all of 'em yet. i only frequent star (miri's one and only), gsc and tgv. but damn. this one was just funny lah.
what's more, it wasnt even a commercial break. it was apparently just a toilet break of some sort - showing that interval sign onscreen and playing malay music. two minutes later, the film came back on.
i have to admit, that was cute though. maybe they wanted us to stretch or something; not get couch-potato syndrome. =)
ohwells. at least it's back to kl now with gsc and tgv. =) and no, i dont love cat city any less.

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