of foucault and cows.
theorists are a whole bunch of weird people. sure, theories help the masses understand more about a particular area/subject/topic but why oh why do they have to beat about the bush explaining something simple? it gives people headaches lah. -_- plus, no need to make it so freaking deep.okay, i AM very pissed right now with the amount of reading i have to do for my classes - all of which involve theories of some kind or the other. wtf. my poor mind's all screwed up with instances of understanding one point only to find out in the next paragraph that that point doesnt make sense anymore. critical thinking my ass.
fine, i admit that it's probably coz it's such a beautifully lazy sunday evening and i just cant bring myself to make the effort to delve into deep stuff right now. not only am i feeling ultra lazy today, ultra stupid's also been around for quite a while.
think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts.
my saxophone version of moon river's been playing on the loop and it's having a more calming effect than i thought. beautiful. i miss my baby sax. somebody please bring me to a jazz club soon!! i need to get out of saussure, volosinov and foucault's theories before i go cuckoo.
good thing that auntie jenny and the bugger's coming on thursday. i need another break real soon. missing them so much! a whole weekend of tennis, heart attacks (from supporting) and chilling with the family at the ntc (national tennis centre). now that's what i call fun.
okay back to foucault now. took a longer break than intended. =D was having dinner/watching midnight cowboy between blogging. ta!
edit: making a big deal out of a simple matter's plain annoying. foucault's really getting on my nerves.

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