love is expensive and free.
i seem to enjoy subjecting myself to endless suffering - ie. going through old photographs and getting myself all homesick. i hate public holidays where there just seems to be too much time then i'd keep thinking 'later.. later..' for assignments and end up spending the whole day not doing anything productive except eating and sleeping. then i'd spend the rest of the time that i'm supposed to be doing my malaysian studies essay on going through folders of photographs and videos. o_O
auntie jenny would slaughter me alive if she knew i'm putting a picture of her on my blog. maybe i should tell her, just for kicks. haha. i can just imagine a phone call immediately: 'why you go put such an ugly picture of me online???'. that's what auntie jenny thinks of ALL the pictures i have of her. i personally think they're all adorable. not to mention hot. aghhh why didnt i get the good genes? the bugger seems to have gotten the best from both sides of the gene pool. -_- i want hot too. haha..
this year's mooncake festival was SUPER laid back compared to last year. last year's whole big potluck dinner party thing.. complete with lanterns round the house and mooncakes for everyone. lantern walks and lantern burns..

this year, yummy manhattan fish market dinner with eva in sunway!

not as meriah, but the company's still super. not only great catching up time, we even had edison chen having dinner next to us! haha. i swear, that dude's face.. no one can possibly look more like edison than him. then he stood up and everything just went poof! - guess fantasies are just meant to be fantasies. *sigh. =)
having so much fun's just as well, but now i'm broke. i seem to be broke a lot. or at least, i feel it lah. then again, better to feel broke and spend less than to feel not broke and overspend, right? haha. theory of my life. my current life, that is. only until i start earning my own moolah =D
love is expensive and free. i believe that. i've always loved that song. makes so much sense. i love love. i miss home.

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