work never ends.
shooting board done for today.. but i still dont feel any more relieved. continuity assignment due next week; gotta start filming soon in order to finish editing at least by wednesday. presentation tomorrow.. agh! photography at least all done, major thanks to jas's dslr (i effing want one! my trusty slr's great and all that, but it just doesnt beat digital lahhh..). got back our critical analysis paper today - didnt do too bad actually but i'm not happy with it. =( smart lah, procrastinate some more. has SO not been my day.. but i'll definitely feel much better tomorrow AFTER presentation and when we finally begin filming. whee.. BUT. big problem. havent had any ideas for our story yet. road safety ahhh.. got lah small small idea-idea here and there, but everything's just been stupid and not good enough. big super idea come quick! dont want another screw-up like the soundscape.. not that it was actually that bad, but somehow it just didnt seem good enough either. agh. think think think..

my thoughts keep straying to food.
time to fix dinner. then it's back to presentation preparation! what fun.
oh and by the way,
the man still seems like a boy though. are you sure it's 22? ahaha =p have a good one. *cheers.
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