idiota. =)
remember the idiot who bought a firewire cable for her baby handycam only to realize that her laptop doesnt have a port? well. it turns out that she's an even bigger idiot.
i swear. i dont know why i didnt check below my card reader. which was why when i got the cable, i KNEW i've seen a firewire port SOMEWHERE. haha.. i just forgot where. idiot.
been busy capturing my rushes all morning and editing them on whatever slow memory i've got on my laptop. but still. it's better than nothing! hehe.. although i do admit, finalcut pro seems to work better for me. maybe i'm just not so used to premiere pro yet, but well. there's just odd functions missing here and there and it's not as user-friendly as finalcut. hehe.. but maybe that's just me. =) i miss my ftv15 mac and finalcut pro..
the rushes i captured was for the mini-tennis weekend held at the tennis centre last weekend; where i was the 'unofficial' photographer and cameraman for this bunch of people:

upcoming miri tennis stars! hehe.. =)
so.. other than that.. went and chilled at taman selera with the cousins too! havent been there since i got back and i finally got to have my lak bi th'ng! heehee. it's as good as ever.. polished up two glasses. o_O haha.

once again.. home's still the best place to be. =) i can never, i repeat, NEVER get bored with this view..

my heaven on earth. =)
and on a final, completely different note, my baby brother's sixteen years and a day old today!

one's the face he's always giving me; and the other is when he's being nice.. no prizes for guessing which is which. hehe.. too bad he's all the way in brunei tho for the borneo games =( so we cudnt celebrate his bday yesterday together.. i've been bugging auntie jenny all week to go too and we were SUPPOSED to go today but because of my stupid sinus attacks last night, trip canceled. *depressed. ohwells. guess i'll just have wait for tomorrow to continue bugging him again then. *lights up. heehee.
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