Thursday, June 21, 2007

feeling pretty under the weather today. my upper back hurts, MAS hasnt called me back to reconfirm my online flight booking, and i'm currently being overwhelmed by an overload of nostalgy and that 'what if' feeling you get when things are different from what you once thought was. not just myself, but just generally. people change; new places, new friends, new life. and sometimes.. you just cant help but miss those times.

the weirdest most boring thoughts no one probably ever thinks about always seems to get to me i guess.

been sitting around at sayang's place all day being unproductive. planning another music video but i just feel so uninspired. and my lousy back isnt helping much.


it's just another one of those lazy days, you know? and it just seems like it's been more like lazy weeks for me lately. laze laze laze bum bum bum. die.

somemore today supposed to go kl with sayang but we both overslept till 1200pm so tak jadi. good thing i have a personal poking alarm clock or else i would've slept in more. haihs.

my personal poking alarm clock with a donut ball.

okay this is just depressing. i'll just get back on the bed and feel blue try brainstorming again. the rainy weather's perfect.


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