and thank god for tennis; with all the food i've been having since i've been home, i'll be getting three times my current size soon! O_O hahah..

some umai that my mom's cousin made. I'VE BEEN MISSING THIS SO MUCH! not as great as my uncle's, but still. good enough. =)

laksa at krokop. *drools. i cant wait for mie's laksa but this'll do for now..

roti john from burger sam at perwira next to ming cafe.

some 'chang' that we got coz we somehow didnt get any during the chang festival the other day. (i do realize that this lone chang does somewhat look pretty pathetic hahah..)

mie's awesome pork liver soup with ginger. may not look like much, but tastes.. *slurps. =D
seeee? if ONLY you came back with meee.. =(
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