i'm currently on the brink of sanity - how on earth am i going to go through with perth the whole of next year when barely two weeks is already so horrible?
times like this i wish sayang and i werent together 24/7 before; so at least it'd make this all the more easier to bear. but then again, that option's out too coz even being apart from sayang for a while no matter how far the distance's already bad enough.
am i being too clingy? dependent? obsessive? possesive? i hope not.. =( i especially loathe girls like that. but what if i'm turning into one of them? what's more, people say you only hate those that remind you most of yourself.
aghh i dont knowww..
i just know i miss sayang so muchhh.. so frustrated now. feel so tied down, so empty. phone calls and instant messages just dont quite cut it. :"( *tears. finally understanding the meaning of "you complete me".
this sucks.
i miss sayang!

i need my happyness.
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