just came back yesterday afternoon and will be leaving on sunday at 0415pm. yay! havent been home for mid-sem since my first sem of foundation.
heh. the past few weeks has been (still is) horrible. workload's been pure madness; presentations, submissions for advertising, readings, journals, and biggest of all our minor production documentary. worst of all, i'm not even done with half of 'em. how to enjoy being home like thaaaat? eee.
luckily our minor production's done. will post it as soon as i get my hands on it coz we only finished printing to tape as i was on the way back home. apparently faizul thinks it's good and the day before sada said our shots look tripod-attached altho most of 'em are actually handheld! :D that was good to hear.
we were actually very worried coz we only had so little time to shoot and planning was (pretty much) horrible, so we felt like we didnt get enough of the shots we wanted to get. but overall, i'd say we did a pretty darn good job for such a last minute put together mini documentary. *cheers for team! we make an awesome group. heheh.
so.. here's some pics off the past week plus. there's a bloody lot though, so be forewarned.
first off, our first trip to pulau ketam when we were checking out the place. felt more like a holiday with the gang :D if only sayang was there too! but it was a friday so the poor fella had to work..

at the pulau ketam jetty.

introducing.. pulau ketam!

piece of shit on an otherwise untainted path.

sweet old love! aawwww.. *sigh.

crab temple.

wooden green alley.

maybank in pulau ketam! you hafta have gone there to realize the awesomeness of this.

my favourite place in all of pulau ketam! i wish i did more justice to my love of it with this photo though. :(

housing in pulau ketam.

astro, baby!

lost in nature.

comfy comfy. :D *courtesy of fern's luke.

seafooodddd.. yummmm.

group pic! *courtesy of fern's luke.

sewage system = right to the ground. *courtesy of fern's luke.

boat ride!


director of photography at work baybeh :D

getting educated on fish. o_O

jo and jas.

ooh i'm so acting dumb.

fish farmers.

fish farm.

boat girls!

girls on bikes. (theing and i mintak puji HAHA.) *courtesy of fern's luke.

happy ending to a happy day! (no more mintak puji pose lol.) *courtesy of fern's luke.
the next week, we went again for the actual shoot. 'twas a long day. a long, long, LONG day. went home feeling pretty dissatisfied with our shots. the next day, however, we went into our post-production editing lab and GUESS WHAT WE SAW?

the new imacs! ALL FOR US. *drools.

sleek new imac keyboard. keyPAD, more like.

ahh.. droolworthy.

editing on the baby.
THEN we started working on one. bloody celaka. crashes as much as a normal mac does and is sooo fucking slow. obviously it's the lowest end 20-inch ones laa, but still. sooo, we ended up doing what we do best.

what we do best while editing - camwhoring with photo booth.
god. the moon's been sooo beautiful lately. i've been depressing over not having a mooncake to celebrate coz i've been too busy to go out get one, and look what i finally got?

mooncake from theingy!
dear theing gave us one to share and i brought the rest of them home to eat with sayang! not sure what type it was, but it sure tasted hella good. :D thaaanks darling!
then then.. SAYANG also surprised me after dinner when we got home and there sitting on my desk was my ultimate favourite 'ping phi'! so happyyyyy.. the sweet baby knows i cannot get by without my 'ping phi' (literally translated ICE SKIN but i think it's actually SNOW something.. SNOW SKIN? hahah i dunno but well i think you know which it is la) on mooncake festivals and he brought home some from work.. :) aint i just the luckiest?

*sigh. i have awesome people who sayang me. <3 i sayang you all SO MUCH TOO!

cheese prawns!

butter crab. aaahhh.. heavenly.

and some durians from uncle chong.
god it's been great so far.
now i REALLY need to get back to work. lol.
toodles then!
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