NOTE: long boring rant ahead. for randoms, jump to end of orange.
watched a documentary this afternoon - "sherman's march". horrendous; obviously not my kind of film. boring, draggy, wtfisthewholepoint type for me. needless to say, i was asleep for the first hour hahah.. but now, as i've come online to grudgingly research info on the docu, i realize that it wasnt actually so bad after all. at least, from the parts i can remember and actually focused on anyway. okay then again, that wasnt much. maybe i need to watch it again. but reading what ross mcelwee (the filmmaker) had to say about it, it suddenly seems a whole lot more interesting than before. but ah.. dunno how i'm gonna get a copy to watch again.
and there's the documentary journal due this friday! i dont even know which one to submit first. all have been.. uhms. NOT MY KINDA FILM. bleh.
god.. documentaries. the bane of my existence. i used to love docus before this. i miss the days when i could turn on discovery channel and go 'waahhh' over everything i 'learn'. now it's all so effing analytical. nothing you see is real anymore. there's nothing you can trust. i dont waaaaant! too deep to take! i like life simple, thankyouverymuch. =(
that, and all the communications shit we're being fed every day.. feels like the world's turning into such a bad bad place. no, i dont mean wars and famine and stuff like that (altho i'm not saying those arent horrible - that's not the point here). but things like.. for eg., how the media influences the masses (which is actually the topic of our presentation next week!) and how we audiences actually fall for it! idiots. okay. i'm probably sounding like a nut here - doubtful anyone'll understand this shit; but if you dont, good on you! the world's still a better place.
well, the fact is i'm still slowly taking it all in, understanding this whole communications/knowledge thing so i cant make a good argument out of it yet.. but damn. dahlah it's bad enough coz i think too much anyway.. add in all this and i'll turn into an insane cynic soon. *tears. dont waaaant.
sometimes it's better not knowing things. i think people who know the most are usually the most pained. i dont know. if only we can all be like children, blissfully ignorant of everything else. the simplest things can make us happy; just like this:
now isnt that adorable?? hahah.. i wish life was that easy. just tear some paper and be happy. geez.
too much going in my head now. this is why i hate documentary classes. too much thinking involved. i dont wanna get old too fast!
what is "knowledge"? pffft. i feel old already.
i need a break.
sayang's coming home soon! he's almost at midvalley already. yaayy i cant wait. i had a horrible morning.
there i was standing outside prima waiting for jas to come pick me up, when this dude suddenly walked to me and tried chatting me up o_O he said i looked familiar and that he's seen me before in australia. so i was like, wtf? i havent even been there yet la. (okay obviously i omitted the wtf at the time laaa.. i'm such a nice girl =D) so then he started la, asking where i studied, where i come from.. biasa small talk. okay that was still FINE. THEN..
dude: can i have your number then?
[panic point!!] so i tried giving my most bewildered, eyebrow-crossed expression. hrms i think at this point i should add that he's a scary-looking stalkerish black dude. and NO, i'm not trying to be racist here by putting all this up, i'm just pissed at how some people have NO SHAME.
me: uhms, no.
dude: why not?
somemore giving me attitude and all yknow.. fucker.
me: coz.. i dont even know you.
dude: which is why.. if you give me your number, maybe we can get to know each other better. i promise, i wouldnt bother you; i'll just text you once in a while. please give me your number.
me: no, i dont get to know people like that, sorry.
dude: please, cmon.
me: no, i'm sorry, but i wont give it to you.
dude: okay fine. at least tell me where you live. which floor do you live? which block? i'm on block c.
me: why should i tell you that?
dude: aw cmon please. then give me your number. i'm begging you here.
me: no, i told you i'm sorry, but i cant.
dude: dont be sorry. i just want it so i can get to know you better. maybe we can go for lunch or something. why wont you give it to me?
me now thinking wtf doesnt he GET THE HINT?! arsehole.
me: no, i'm sorry.
at this point i'm already ignoring the idiot.
dude: look, the truth is, you entice me. when you see a chance, you take hold of it. you dont let life pass you by. at least give me your number so we can meet again. malaysia's a big country. i want to be able to see you again.
the fucker's so corny, it's not even funny; and all this while kept looking me up and down with his sleazy eyes. i was praying like mad for jas to come quick!
me: WELL, there're plenty of people in malaysia. maybe you'll get lucky with them.
okay i admit, i'm never good with clever remarks. somemore at that time, i just wanted him to leave! :(
dude: i told you, you entice me. (looking me up down again! perve. i KNEW i shouldnt've worn those shorts la, but usually guys check out HOT LEGS in shorts, not FAT ones so how i knowwww.. which actually makes it feel all the more sick and disgusting coz it means he's probably desperate and capable of anything which freaked me out more) please give me a chance.
me: NO.
dude: cmon.. why wont you give me a chance?
me: sorry i'm just not interested.
i didnt wanna mention sayang in case he was desperate enough to start bugging sayang too.. but fuck la. now when i come to think of it, should've told him i'm lesbian instead. LUCKILY for me then, jas' car turned round the corner. hallelujah! i told him my friend's here, quickly escaped and msged sayang immediately.
some people. how can anyone be so desperate? and thick-skinned? bloody hell. okay that convo's probably not a word-by-word coz i cant remember much already - NOT something i'd like to keep in mind.. but those were pretty much what he kept repeating. eurgh. i'm sick to the bones.
i need my darling!
Labels: assholes, documentaries, knowledge, life
you should have told him: "you sure u wanna meet up? cos I could be spiking your drink and cutting your balls off. don't be too sure..."
hehe. weirdo doesn't take a hint. "fuck off" will suffice next time. just be careful from now on.
HAHA. shite yeah i shouldve done that la. heheh.. yeah i definitely will man. thanks :)
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