first two pancakes!

in the morning.. i called klpac to reserve seats for the flute festival. turned out that they only do credit card bookings thru the phone and that they only had FIVE more seats for walk-in (!!). i got so depressed because i knew that there was nofuckingway we were gonna get there in time (the show starts at 0200pm) so i told sayang that maybe we should just stay home and get on with the piles of work we have. *sigh.
but luckily for me, the awesome baby persuaded me to go, because he knew i SO wanted to go catch this one. after a quick getting ready, we were set on the bus to sentul via ktm from midvalley.
and THAAAT was where the story began.
we were interchanging at sentral when i noticed this bunch of kids wearing the same black t-shirts. at the time, i didnt really bother to noticelah. THEN we got to sentul (after a stupid mix-up led to us not being able to get thru because it turned out the lady at the counter must've misheard me when i said SENTUL and gave us SENTRAL instead) and i saw the same kids again. this time, i noticed their shirts. "WOODWINDS" with cute little illustrations of instruments. DING DING! alarm bells went off. i counted: four of them. i told sayang and then we were: OH SHIT. if they got the other four tickets before us, then there'll be only one ticket left, so HABISlah! although actually inside i was already mentally preparing myself in case there were really no tickets left - at least we could've spent the day in kl or something.. but if these four were the reason, i would REALLY be depressed.
so there we went rushing in search of a taxi. stood by the highway for so long and yet not one taxi wanted to layan us. finally, one nice cabbie stopped and when i asked him where klpac was, he just pointed to the other side of the ktm tracks and sure enough, i recognized the beautiful old abandoned building. *forehead slap. i asked if he could take us in but he said there's a long way to turn if we took the road so suggested we walk instead..
then sayang and i couldnt figure out the shortest way to get in so we trudged around the side of west sentul. past the highway, the shops, and suddenly saw those four kids in a cab! luckily for us, they were stuck in the traffic light. for some odd reason, it felt like we were in a race against them to try get those remaining walk-in tickets. inside i was telling myself that hopefully they got the tickets way earlier before and there would be just nicely two left for me and sayang when we got there =)
so.. we entered thru the main entrance of west sentul. after a LOOONG footbreaking walk in (my tiny little barely-heels were killing me enough already - i really am getting too used to flipflops), we finally got to klpac. the four kids were just pulling up as we arrived so we rushed into the ticketing counter. it was 0130pm.
i asked the guy behind the counter if there were any more seats left for the flute festival - he told me they were sold out already. my first thought: oh shite. i walked slowly out with sayang and went into the main building where they were displaying the saxes and flutes. no, too depressing. so we went to sit by the lake. all this way for nothing??
(oh and the kids earlier had nothing to do with it. worried for nothing nia.)
so the dearest sat with me and comforted me. at that point i was super-sad already loh. traveled sooo far from lousy old puchong to the OTHER END of kl just to find out that we couldnt do what we went there to do. and, more importantly, THE SAXOPHONES! *sniff.
that was it lah. so i decided that as a last shot, we try at the very last minute - there might still be cancellations. i mean, i give up too easily every time.. wont happen again now, especially not since we came all the way here.. and sure enough, we managed to get the two seats! great position somemore. =D
everything was perfect.

it was a beautiful performance. ohgod the blending of all five saxes - heavenly. i fucking miss playing! somemore at the end of the saxophone ensemble's performance, the basses got up and started this cute tune which led to the others joining in - it was all so fun and impromptu.. reminding me of the good ol' days again. *sigh.. beautiful. then the second part started. the flute orchestra. piccolos, flutes, alto flutes, contrabass flutes (now that is ONE EFFIN' HUGE FLUTE) hahah.. sounded like a symphony of strings. played ave maria and the whole nutcracker suite. 'twas all very good. personally though, i was much more impressed with the saxes heheh although i'm probably biased there. =)
pictures pictures..

we walked back out to the ktm station after the performance coz it wasnt too hot and just the perfect weather. a nice security guard allowed us to cut thru the fence to get to the ktm station. i have this fear of crossing train tracks coz i keep thinking some part of you'll get stuck somewhere and you wont be able to get out before the train comes and then SQUISH. ew. okay nevermind. but needless to say, sayang and i crossed safely and soon enough we were (together with our empty growling stomachs) on the way to midvalley. NANDO'S! hahah.. gluttons.
then then then.. we came home. goodnight.
hahah.. so much shit in this post today. i'd better ride this writing wave and start bullshitting some for my documentary journal eeps =(
argggghH!!!! i wanted to go to the flute festival like so fuggin baddddddd!!!
aawww.. i'm sure there'll be more :D next time we sama-sama go la k? heheh..
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