busy busy busy!
heyaaa~.. been so busy lately i havent even had time to come online to update =(
even tho hols are here but it seems as though it's just study leave. heh.. well actually just wanna tell y'all, gonna be busy these few weeks, so i guess i probably wont be updating much.
not exactly in the mood today. so much things going on; you feel like running away, but you cant. it's dead there right in front of you. so much things you wish to change; it feels so empty, but you cant. there's no turning back. it's a path you chose when you decided long ago that it was what you wanted.
mind over matter. sure, it's easy to say.. but mind over heart? impossible.
why? why is it so hard to do? why cant it just leave me alone?
wallowing in self-pity and overdeep emotions.. heh.. i'll be fine after this. just need to get some pathetic things out of my mind..
funny things..
some things can be just so crazy..
check this out.. heh. =)
How ppl do the things they do in military.. might even happen in National Service too!
have fun watching..
ohh and here's a cute lil game.. if you're really DESPERATE and BORED..
CONTROL the cute mouse
ahaha ohh mann.. i'm seriously wu liao here.. =)
*peace out*
final day. ujian berkala II
woo hoo~! exams just ended! heh.. so glad it's all over.. except for the fact that
TRIALS are coming up in exactly
31 days time. arghh.. cant even get a moment of peace. but oh well. still enjoyed my study-free day anyhow. =)
looking forward to a great weekend what with the olympics and akademi fantasia final concert. *BIG GRIN* gonna have so much fun.
erkz. fun. that's if i can get rid of this sexy voice of mine by then.. ahakz. i havent been able to talk properly for DAYS! haihz..
well actually, to tell the truth.. i've nothing much to say for today. just wanna say that i'm really glad berkala's over.. and this:
When the character of a man is not clear to you, look at his friends.
- Japanese Proverb -
yeah. i guess that's pretty much it. later dayz~! good nite.
day three. ujian berkala II
a day
LEFT for exams to be over.
it's a damn good feeling.
the only thing making it feel not as good as it ought to is the thought of physics tomorrow. cant even enjoy the pre-end of exams feeling to the max. *sighz*
oh well.. been kinda on the low lately. dunno what's up. maybe it's exams.. or.. god knows.
so much stuff has happened lately.. it all just kinda creeps up on you when you least suspect it. then you start worrying and thinking and dreaming and dreading and.. oh god. in conclusion, i just cant wait for this year to be over.
been sick for quite a long time now. it all started with my sinus problem and it went all the way to the fever + flu + cough + sore throat stage.. now i'm blessed with this damn SEXY voice which has made me not able to sing in ages.. *sobz* i want my voice back~! heh.. but guess my bro's pretty glad he hasnt heard my off-key warbling at home for quite a while now..
speaking of him, i just saw this programme about evolution on discovery channel the other day while he was watching.. it seems that the human race kinda evolved from an eel-like animal called pikaia gracilens (pih-KAY-ah GRASS-ih-lenz). they were defenseless, constantly preyed-on little swimming creatures with a rod-like structure on their back which apparently was the source of all current vertebrae in the world now.

pikaia gracilens - our ancestors.. see any resemblance there?

it's kinda hard to picture aint it?
and so apparently according to the hot french paleologist (heh.. just couldnt resist adding that. well you just dont see hot researchers EVERY DAY, do you? lolz well jk laa.. ehehe..) yeah so anyway according to him, pikaia were on the verge of extinction because they were so defenseless and so easy for other bigger animals to prey on. imagine being a 5-centimetre-long organism on the ocean floor with no defense except for being fast and smart.
however, luckily for us.. pikaia were smart (NOW you know where the genes came from.. ahaha..) they knew how to adapt and voila!
you have the entire human race and other vertebrae on earth.
okay. fine. maybe it didnt happen that quick.. and that it actually took millions of years for pikaia to evolve into current-day vertebrae.. but still, it was a heck of a show. heh.. i got so interested in it that i almost left my barely-started studying behind. but dang exams. made me miss all the cute lil pikaia. =)
imagine evolving from sth so tiny and small and SLUG-LIKE?! pretty interesting..
ahakz.. been crapping a lot now. wanna go watch the repeat of last week's akademi fantasia concert.. hrm, i guess sometimes, crapping kinda does help with mood-management. lolz.
oh well, till next time~! ciaoz fellow pikaia-mates.. brothers and sistas of the pikaia family..
i've been so obsessed with that name. it just sounds so cute dont it?
day one. ujian berkala II
a day of exams over.
THREE more days of hell to go.
history, est and moral this morning actually went pretty okay.. i guess it's probably coz i studied the most for history since it was the first paper for berkala.. and somehow i kinda.. forgot. forgot that i had other MORE IMPORTANT papers to sit for like chem, phys, bio and addmaths. damn. in other words meaning i only paid attention to history and didnt exactly touch any other subjects. how smart could anyone get?
and now.. to pay for my lack of good time management skills, my head's about to explode from the stress of knowing that there's NO way i can finish learning TWO years of bio tonight (note: learning, in this point of saying that it can only be properly defined as i-never-listened-in-class-and-never-exactly-bothered-to-revise-by-myself-when-i-had-so-much-time-to-spare-so-now-i've-got-to-start-all-the-way-from-the-beginning-when-there's-only-LESS-THAN-TWELVE-HOURS-TO-GO-BEFORE-THE-FREAKING-EXAM!!)
oh. and not forgetting my addmath test. i havent done any exercises, i havent revised anything except for FLIPPING thru my addmath revision book. like that's gonna help.
ahhhh. wish me rest in peace. i finally gave up on everything and decided to let fate decide for tomorrow. in the meantime, i'll just catch up with checking mails and blogs. heh. i'm such a pathetic case.
well, done checking everything while typing this entry. hafta go get some rest now or else i'm gonna die much easier tomorrow and give those teachers more satisfaction in thinking that the questions they set were tough enough. heh. no way of that happening.. even if i'm gonna die in bio and addmaths tomorrow i'm gonna die a death to remember.
oh brother.
the stress of exams is seriously starting to get to my head.
exams tomorrow!
so many things to say, so little time to do so! ahaha.. been so caught up in akademi fantasia fever and trying to study at the same time that i've barely had time to come online..
exams start tomorrow. thank god it's nothing heavy, only sejarah which requires more reading but other than that, EST and moral are pretty much more or less relaxed. heh.. but bio and chem is KILLING me.. arghh.. really have to get to them tonight.
anywayz.. last night's 9th akademi fantasia concert was GREAT!! MAS finally got eliminated OUT. after so many weeks of seeing her hold on while much better and more talented students got eliminated, she's finally gone. it was so unfair to see her still there, while there were so many other students who deserved it better than her. heh.. but oh well.. i've nothing much to complain about now.. i'm just really glad that the other remaining five (KAER, ADAM, ZAHID, FARAH & BOB) will be performing on the final concert which is gonna be at the Bukit Jalil Indoor Stadium.
ohh! and not forgetting the keZUtan which the akademi ppl had for all the impatient-tear shedding-relieved-unsatisfied fans that was announced last night after MAS was announced as the eliminated student. there's gonna be a wildcard entry!! ONE of the eliminated students, be it EDLIN, FITRI, ANDING, ZARINA, NURUL, LINDA or MAS, will get a chance to re-enter akademi fantasia starting monday, 9th august. the selected student will be selected thru the usual sms votes.
i think that this is a really great opportunity for the eliminated students coz there were quite a few of them who got eliminated due to unforeseen circumstances. most of them are really talented, so i guess this is part of akademi's way to make it up to them. they really want the best students to be performing on this coming saturday night, 14th august.
well enough said for now. hafta get back to the books. =( bleah. wish me luck for these coming four days of hell ppl! heh.. gonna need lots of it.. damn. will update more after exams. ehehe..
ohh yeah.. what are you waiting for? type
AFMASUK[space][name of eliminated student]
and send NOW to 32999! ehehe.. make sure the right student gets selected this time.. no more mistake like the previous time.. =)
till next time ppl! peace out..
check this out.
i just got this really cute site off a email i received.
check it out. in conjunction with the coming 2004 Olympics.. =)
oh.. and dont forget to turn off whatever music you're listening to. the music provided's really chun with the stuff. ehehe..
here it is:
what the 2004 Olympics would be like if modern athletes keep training and dont keep their intellects in place
happy watching~!
chemistry test + addmath test + math test = ??
the answer's
heh.. but thank god it's all over. well.. at least for today anyway. =) had a hell of a day yesterday trying to cram all info into my head.. didnt even had time for a break! well now's good.. at least there's time for me to update. *wink*
ohh.. yeah.. my tagboard's working again.. i think there was a problem with the server or something for the past few days. but oh well.. that's over and done with too.. =)
hrm. well nothing much going on also lahh today. just felt like posting junk up. heh.. might be deleting this post anyway.. so.. just to fill space for todayLAH. *wicked grin*
i'm a bit off in the head.
i apologize.
nyahH! =p
konsert akademi fantasia ke-8
KAER is back!
i quote from kudsia kahar: " KAER! welcome back home! what TOOK you so long?"
yeh.. exact words from the lady herself. i'm so glad that KAER is back. his performance last night was really.. KAER.. it's definitely the change he promised at the beginning of last week when he first got his chosen song, "Mentera Semerah Padi". i'm SO happy that i dont even know what else to say.. i'm just.. GLAD THAT KAER IS BACK.. he is himself again~! ehehe..
last night's performance on an overall was great.. everyone performed great, AZNIL was hilarious as usual.. yeah. on a personal note, i'd say it's definitely better than last week's concert.
HOWEVER.. there was only ONE glitch in last night's concert. a VERY big one though. the biggest keZUtan for last night.. that was when AZNIL announced the name of the eliminated student.
the most unexpected. being in the top position of votes at the beginning of last night's concert, it was amazing how she could suddenly be at the last position.
was it because that her fans thought her position was strong enough so they stopped voting?
was it because her performance last night wasnt as good as expected?
was it because everyone else were better than her?
all these things are unpredictable.. the absence of LINDA in akademi fantasia will definitely be a very big loss to everyone.
LINDA has such a great voice.. so talented.. dubbed as "Pesona Bintang" by one of the critics'.. she has the whole package of a singer. however.. because of STUPID sms votes, she had to be eliminated.. *sighz*
i have no idea WHY that MAS is still in. it's not like she can sing that great.. she cant be an entertainer! but these are all just my personal opinions. maybe everyone else think she's amazing.. if so, i have NO IDEA what planet they come from.. i mean, HOW COULD THEY?! there are so many other ppl better than her, but they had to be eliminated first. for example.. ZARINA.. EDLIN.. ANDING.. many more lah.. i just dont understand the mindset of some malaysians. heh.
mid-term exams will be starting in exactly
FIVE days time. been so busy lately i havent even had time to update my blog! =( well these few days till the 11th of august will be pretty packed, so.. well.. you'll know why lah if my blog's so outdated.. heh.
nothing much going on lately. sat for the kuiz fizik kebangsaan yesterday. 70 MULTIPLE CHOICE questions from hell! mygawd.. if SPM questions are like that, i've no hope of even getting a C5 for physics.. ahaha.. yeh it's that bad. well for me anyway.. =)
so i guess that's it for the moment. got a bloody battle of a week coming up.. chem test, addmath test, bio test.. arghhhHHH~.. and those arent even the ACTUAL mid-terms which are coming up on saturday.. they just add to a teensy 30 percent of the whole thing. well. in conclusion, gonna die lah. ahaha..
wish me luck for the coming week ppL! *peace*