Friday, September 28, 2007

i'm home! in miri!

just came back yesterday afternoon and will be leaving on sunday at 0415pm. yay! havent been home for mid-sem since my first sem of foundation.

heh. the past few weeks has been (still is) horrible. workload's been pure madness; presentations, submissions for advertising, readings, journals, and biggest of all our minor production documentary. worst of all, i'm not even done with half of 'em. how to enjoy being home like thaaaat? eee.

luckily our minor production's done. will post it as soon as i get my hands on it coz we only finished printing to tape as i was on the way back home. apparently faizul thinks it's good and the day before sada said our shots look tripod-attached altho most of 'em are actually handheld! :D that was good to hear.

we were actually very worried coz we only had so little time to shoot and planning was (pretty much) horrible, so we felt like we didnt get enough of the shots we wanted to get. but overall, i'd say we did a pretty darn good job for such a last minute put together mini documentary. *cheers for team! we make an awesome group. heheh.

so.. here's some pics off the past week plus. there's a bloody lot though, so be forewarned.

first off, our first trip to pulau ketam when we were checking out the place. felt more like a holiday with the gang :D if only sayang was there too! but it was a friday so the poor fella had to work..

just arrived.
at the pulau ketam jetty.

pulau ketam.
introducing.. pulau ketam!

piece of shit on an otherwise untainted path.

old love.
sweet old love! aawwww.. *sigh.

crab temple.
crab temple.

wooden green alley.
wooden green alley.

maybank in pulau ketam! you hafta have gone there to realize the awesomeness of this.

the place.
my favourite place in all of pulau ketam! i wish i did more justice to my love of it with this photo though. :(

housing in pulau ketam.
housing in pulau ketam.

astro maxxxed.
astro, baby!

lost in nature.
lost in nature.

comfy comfy.
comfy comfy. :D *courtesy of fern's luke.

seafood in pulau ketam.
seafooodddd.. yummmm.

group pic! *courtesy of fern's luke.

sewage system = right to the ground. *courtesy of fern's luke.

boat ride!
boat ride!


at work!
director of photography at work baybeh :D

getting educated on fish. o_O
getting educated on fish. o_O

jo and jas.
jo and jas.

ooh i'm so acting dumb.
ooh i'm so acting dumb.

fish farmers.
fish farmers.

fish farm.
fish farm.

boat girls!
boat girls!

girls on bikes.
girls on bikes. (theing and i mintak puji HAHA.) *courtesy of fern's luke.

happy happy!
happy ending to a happy day! (no more mintak puji pose lol.) *courtesy of fern's luke.

the next week, we went again for the actual shoot. 'twas a long day. a long, long, LONG day. went home feeling pretty dissatisfied with our shots. the next day, however, we went into our post-production editing lab and GUESS WHAT WE SAW?

new imac!
the new imacs! ALL FOR US. *drools.

sleek new imac keyboard.
sleek new imac keyboard. keyPAD, more like.

ahh.. droolworthy.

editing on new imac.
editing on the baby.

THEN we started working on one. bloody celaka. crashes as much as a normal mac does and is sooo fucking slow. obviously it's the lowest end 20-inch ones laa, but still. sooo, we ended up doing what we do best.

what we do best while editing - photo booth.
what we do best while editing - camwhoring with photo booth.

* * * * *

ooh and happy belated mooncake festival to everyone!

god. the moon's been sooo beautiful lately. i've been depressing over not having a mooncake to celebrate coz i've been too busy to go out get one, and look what i finally got?

mooncake from theingy!
mooncake from theingy!

dear theing gave us one to share and i brought the rest of them home to eat with sayang! not sure what type it was, but it sure tasted hella good. :D thaaanks darling!

then then.. SAYANG also surprised me after dinner when we got home and there sitting on my desk was my ultimate favourite 'ping phi'! so happyyyyy.. the sweet baby knows i cannot get by without my 'ping phi' (literally translated ICE SKIN but i think it's actually SNOW something.. SNOW SKIN? hahah i dunno but well i think you know which it is la) on mooncake festivals and he brought home some from work.. :) aint i just the luckiest?

'ping phi'!

*sigh. i have awesome people who sayang me. <3 i sayang you all SO MUCH TOO!

* * * * *

on a different note, been chilling like crazy since i've been home yesterday. need to do work! here's some crazy food i've been having:

cheese prawns!
cheese prawns!

butter crab.
butter crab. aaahhh.. heavenly.

local durians.
and some durians from uncle chong.

god it's been great so far.

now i REALLY need to get back to work. lol.

toodles then!


Monday, September 17, 2007

went to pulau ketam to check out the place for our minor documentary. had what felt more like a holiday instead heheh :) friends, seafood, sun, boats, bicycles, FUN. hahah cant wait to get back again this friday for the actual shoot :D

stayed home and bummed.

stayed home and bummed. oh, and finally, actually, properly started on my readings for our presentation on wednesday even though i technically "started" on saturday morning -_-

hahah that pretty much sums up the weekend. just spent time bumming around at home with sayang.

havent done my documentary journals nor have i even started on thinking for advertising! trying to put all my focus on getting this bloody presentation over with before doing anything else. eurgh. docile audiences..

nothing to say.. just waiting for sayang to get home..


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

it's been a long day; but i'm glad we got a lot of things settled. as of now, the only things due this week are:
- advertising (print ad for klia ekspres this time)
- doing readings on docile audiences in preparation for next week's presentation
- one documentary journal.
- ooh, and not forgetting the visit to pulau ketam this friday to survey the area for our minor documentary production. thank god the new submission date for this is now two weeks later instead of next week. :)

advertising lecturer seems to like my ideas alright for the klia ekspres ad.. he told me to go on with two of 'em; one which sayang helped me think of and another random one i thought of this morning. sooo.. not as stressed as the past two weeks where i KEPT thinking i couldnt think i couldnt think which eventually led to it actually happening and i ended up with bloody horrible ideas. eurgh. gotta stop brainwashing myself into thinking i cant think. i effing think too much. at least now i've got something, i wont be that stressed anymore.. yay!

heheh.. aaand our documentaries treatment that got chosen for our final production shooting got announced this afternoon.. we'll be doing chin fern's! and we're going to singapore! awesome. we'll be doing on SPGs - sarong party girls, if you must. so yeah. gonna be hella fun. =)

and i'm bloody happy with myself hahah. lecturer seems to like my treatment on sarawak pretty alright; the one i took 5 hours (the morning of submission) to come up with O_O HAHA. said if i had a budget of rm10k he'd let me shoot it lol. i dont hate it too much either, so i'll probably be saving it for the future. at least i cant complain about not having ideas on what to shoot anymore :D

*sigh. i'm just glad la. little things like this.. they help you feel at least maybe you're going on the right track. especially for me when i'm always so doubtful about my own work and insecure and unconfident and everything. *sigh. like i said, i think too much. but forget that. today's been a good day.

and sayang's coming home soon! yaaay! *big smile.

sooo.. i'd best get on with my readings now so can teman sayang later. :)


Monday, September 10, 2007

my feet still hurt from yesterday. *pouts. i need a foot massage.

NOTE: long boring rant ahead. for randoms, jump to end of orange.

watched a documentary this afternoon - "sherman's march". horrendous; obviously not my kind of film. boring, draggy, wtfisthewholepoint type for me. needless to say, i was asleep for the first hour hahah.. but now, as i've come online to grudgingly research info on the docu, i realize that it wasnt actually so bad after all. at least, from the parts i can remember and actually focused on anyway. okay then again, that wasnt much. maybe i need to watch it again. but reading what ross mcelwee (the filmmaker) had to say about it, it suddenly seems a whole lot more interesting than before. but ah.. dunno how i'm gonna get a copy to watch again.

and there's the documentary journal due this friday! i dont even know which one to submit first. all have been.. uhms. NOT MY KINDA FILM. bleh.

god.. documentaries. the bane of my existence. i used to love docus before this. i miss the days when i could turn on discovery channel and go 'waahhh' over everything i 'learn'. now it's all so effing analytical. nothing you see is real anymore. there's nothing you can trust. i dont waaaaant! too deep to take! i like life simple, thankyouverymuch. =(

that, and all the communications shit we're being fed every day.. feels like the world's turning into such a bad bad place. no, i dont mean wars and famine and stuff like that (altho i'm not saying those arent horrible - that's not the point here). but things like.. for eg., how the media influences the masses (which is actually the topic of our presentation next week!) and how we audiences actually fall for it! idiots. okay. i'm probably sounding like a nut here - doubtful anyone'll understand this shit; but if you dont, good on you! the world's still a better place.

well, the fact is i'm still slowly taking it all in, understanding this whole communications/knowledge thing so i cant make a good argument out of it yet.. but damn. dahlah it's bad enough coz i think too much anyway.. add in all this and i'll turn into an insane cynic soon. *tears. dont waaaant.

sometimes it's better not knowing things. i think people who know the most are usually the most pained. i dont know. if only we can all be like children, blissfully ignorant of everything else. the simplest things can make us happy; just like this:

now isnt that adorable?? hahah.. i wish life was that easy. just tear some paper and be happy. geez.

too much going in my head now. this is why i hate documentary classes. too much thinking involved. i dont wanna get old too fast!

what is "knowledge"? pffft. i feel old already.

i need a break.

sayang's coming home soon! he's almost at midvalley already. yaayy i cant wait. i had a horrible morning.

there i was standing outside prima waiting for jas to come pick me up, when this dude suddenly walked to me and tried chatting me up o_O he said i looked familiar and that he's seen me before in australia. so i was like, wtf? i havent even been there yet la. (okay obviously i omitted the wtf at the time laaa.. i'm such a nice girl =D) so then he started la, asking where i studied, where i come from.. biasa small talk. okay that was still FINE. THEN..

dude: can i have your number then?

[panic point!!] so i tried giving my most bewildered, eyebrow-crossed expression. hrms i think at this point i should add that he's a scary-looking stalkerish black dude. and NO, i'm not trying to be racist here by putting all this up, i'm just pissed at how some people have NO SHAME.

me: uhms, no.

dude: why not?

somemore giving me attitude and all yknow.. fucker.

me: coz.. i dont even know you.

dude: which is why.. if you give me your number, maybe we can get to know each other better. i promise, i wouldnt bother you; i'll just text you once in a while. please give me your number.

me: no, i dont get to know people like that, sorry.

dude: please, cmon.

me: no, i'm sorry, but i wont give it to you.

dude: okay fine. at least tell me where you live. which floor do you live? which block? i'm on block c.

me: why should i tell you that?

dude: aw cmon please. then give me your number. i'm begging you here.

me: no, i told you i'm sorry, but i cant.

dude: dont be sorry. i just want it so i can get to know you better. maybe we can go for lunch or something. why wont you give it to me?

me now thinking wtf doesnt he GET THE HINT?! arsehole.

me: no, i'm sorry.

at this point i'm already ignoring the idiot.

dude: look, the truth is, you entice me. when you see a chance, you take hold of it. you dont let life pass you by. at least give me your number so we can meet again. malaysia's a big country. i want to be able to see you again.

the fucker's so corny, it's not even funny; and all this while kept looking me up and down with his sleazy eyes. i was praying like mad for jas to come quick!

me: WELL, there're plenty of people in malaysia. maybe you'll get lucky with them.

okay i admit, i'm never good with clever remarks. somemore at that time, i just wanted him to leave! :(

dude: i told you, you entice me. (looking me up down again! perve. i KNEW i shouldnt've worn those shorts la, but usually guys check out HOT LEGS in shorts, not FAT ones so how i knowwww.. which actually makes it feel all the more sick and disgusting coz it means he's probably desperate and capable of anything which freaked me out more) please give me a chance.

me: NO.

dude: cmon.. why wont you give me a chance?

me: sorry i'm just not interested.

i didnt wanna mention sayang in case he was desperate enough to start bugging sayang too.. but fuck la. now when i come to think of it, should've told him i'm lesbian instead. LUCKILY for me then, jas' car turned round the corner. hallelujah! i told him my friend's here, quickly escaped and msged sayang immediately.

some people. how can anyone be so desperate? and thick-skinned? bloody hell. okay that convo's probably not a word-by-word coz i cant remember much already - NOT something i'd like to keep in mind.. but those were pretty much what he kept repeating. eurgh. i'm sick to the bones.

i need my darling!

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so here's the pancake pics:
the making of..

first two pancakes!

hahah then the rest of them sayang and i polished off before i remembered to take a picture of the whole pile -_- but they were pretty good. chocolate syrup somemore.. *drools. hahah.

* * * * *

in the morning.. i called klpac to reserve seats for the flute festival. turned out that they only do credit card bookings thru the phone and that they only had FIVE more seats for walk-in (!!). i got so depressed because i knew that there was nofuckingway we were gonna get there in time (the show starts at 0200pm) so i told sayang that maybe we should just stay home and get on with the piles of work we have. *sigh.

but luckily for me, the awesome baby persuaded me to go, because he knew i SO wanted to go catch this one. after a quick getting ready, we were set on the bus to sentul via ktm from midvalley.

and THAAAT was where the story began.

we were interchanging at sentral when i noticed this bunch of kids wearing the same black t-shirts. at the time, i didnt really bother to noticelah. THEN we got to sentul (after a stupid mix-up led to us not being able to get thru because it turned out the lady at the counter must've misheard me when i said SENTUL and gave us SENTRAL instead) and i saw the same kids again. this time, i noticed their shirts. "WOODWINDS" with cute little illustrations of instruments. DING DING! alarm bells went off. i counted: four of them. i told sayang and then we were: OH SHIT. if they got the other four tickets before us, then there'll be only one ticket left, so HABISlah! although actually inside i was already mentally preparing myself in case there were really no tickets left - at least we could've spent the day in kl or something.. but if these four were the reason, i would REALLY be depressed.

so there we went rushing in search of a taxi. stood by the highway for so long and yet not one taxi wanted to layan us. finally, one nice cabbie stopped and when i asked him where klpac was, he just pointed to the other side of the ktm tracks and sure enough, i recognized the beautiful old abandoned building. *forehead slap. i asked if he could take us in but he said there's a long way to turn if we took the road so suggested we walk instead..

then sayang and i couldnt figure out the shortest way to get in so we trudged around the side of west sentul. past the highway, the shops, and suddenly saw those four kids in a cab! luckily for us, they were stuck in the traffic light. for some odd reason, it felt like we were in a race against them to try get those remaining walk-in tickets. inside i was telling myself that hopefully they got the tickets way earlier before and there would be just nicely two left for me and sayang when we got there =)

so.. we entered thru the main entrance of west sentul. after a LOOONG footbreaking walk in (my tiny little barely-heels were killing me enough already - i really am getting too used to flipflops), we finally got to klpac. the four kids were just pulling up as we arrived so we rushed into the ticketing counter. it was 0130pm.

i asked the guy behind the counter if there were any more seats left for the flute festival - he told me they were sold out already. my first thought: oh shite. i walked slowly out with sayang and went into the main building where they were displaying the saxes and flutes. no, too depressing. so we went to sit by the lake. all this way for nothing??

(oh and the kids earlier had nothing to do with it. worried for nothing nia.)

so the dearest sat with me and comforted me. at that point i was super-sad already loh. traveled sooo far from lousy old puchong to the OTHER END of kl just to find out that we couldnt do what we went there to do. and, more importantly, THE SAXOPHONES! *sniff.

that was it lah. so i decided that as a last shot, we try at the very last minute - there might still be cancellations. i mean, i give up too easily every time.. wont happen again now, especially not since we came all the way here.. and sure enough, we managed to get the two seats! great position somemore. =D

everything was perfect.

the only blurry picture i took before a laser beam pointed on my camera kindly told me to keep it.

it was a beautiful performance. ohgod the blending of all five saxes - heavenly. i fucking miss playing! somemore at the end of the saxophone ensemble's performance, the basses got up and started this cute tune which led to the others joining in - it was all so fun and impromptu.. reminding me of the good ol' days again. *sigh.. beautiful. then the second part started. the flute orchestra. piccolos, flutes, alto flutes, contrabass flutes (now that is ONE EFFIN' HUGE FLUTE) hahah.. sounded like a symphony of strings. played ave maria and the whole nutcracker suite. 'twas all very good. personally though, i was much more impressed with the saxes heheh although i'm probably biased there. =)

pictures pictures..

little duckies in the lake.

sayang took this while cheering me up.

my cute preppy darling. :D

camwhores!! =)

we walked back out to the ktm station after the performance coz it wasnt too hot and just the perfect weather. a nice security guard allowed us to cut thru the fence to get to the ktm station. i have this fear of crossing train tracks coz i keep thinking some part of you'll get stuck somewhere and you wont be able to get out before the train comes and then SQUISH. ew. okay nevermind. but needless to say, sayang and i crossed safely and soon enough we were (together with our empty growling stomachs) on the way to midvalley. NANDO'S! hahah.. gluttons.

then then then.. we came home. goodnight.

hahah.. so much shit in this post today. i'd better ride this writing wave and start bullshitting some for my documentary journal eeps =(

Sunday, September 09, 2007

just finished a destressing session on ian's blog. cant help it - was bored! heheh..

slept for the most part of the day after coming home from submitting my advertising assignment (which i completely hate - in my opinion my worst work so far) and lunch with sayang at i0i's pizza hut. woke up at 0800ish and i made my FIRST EVER PANCAKES! and i have to honestly say i think they're actually not too bad for a first attempt. *big grins. and hey, somemore not INSTANT PANCAKE MIX okayyy.. made all by myself with flour, condensed milk, sugar, egg and water. :D SO PROUD OF MYSELF. butbutbut.. I DONT HAVE PICTURESSS.. i still have them upstairs in my camera coz sayang suddenly dragged me down to come online for a short bit which ended up in an essay++ heheh.. i'll post them up as soon as i can. they were AWESOME. :D for a noob anyway hehehe..

ooh and the other day when i said sayang wasnt coming back? the baby actually came home later and brought me chocolates, kisses, and hugs.. *sniff. i am the luckiest girl in the world. i love you i love you i love you! *mwahs.

there's a flute festival at klpac tmrw and i'm most likely going with sayang if i can get a reservation in the morning. kept wanting to call all week but was flogged down with assignments =( i cant wait though! there's also gonna be a saxophone ensemble too which is what i'm actually going for :D god.. i miss the good ol' days.. "woodwinds rock!" (fine, fine.. this means clarinets too if they're played by anyone other than little kids trying to squeak someting outta it! *goosebumps.) =p

so well, i'm off now! been using charles' pc long enough. =) peace all!

i love music.

and chiamie, thanks for calling darling! i missmissmiss youuuuu! i love you too! heehee.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

feeling: depressed.

sayang's not coming back tonight; gonna be at work so i'll only be seeing him tomorrow! howhowhowwwww.. somemore tonight supposed to be a gta night =(

still rushing my advertising at the mo. going crazy. so uninspired.

i think i should just go home. staying at sayang's place coming online's NOT helping my progress. -_- gnites all.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

the days; i SWEAR they just fly right by!

been so busy with work everyday i never have time to update anymore. even right now, i've only just finished with the treatment for my documentary which is due later at 0200pm. AND i've gotta come up with an idea for my print ad because the due date's on thursday and we gotta show the lec/tute our concept first. THEN there's presentation next week on.. get this: "docile audiences". wtf. take common sense, put in a pile of big theories from sociologists here and there, add a couple of fancy schmanzy words, and there you have it: stuff we have to learn in our MCI classes. and AFTER that we've got a minor production to complete which is due in two weeks' time! to top it all off, there's TWO MCI readings to be done EVERY WEEK! oh wait.. that's not even including the print ad concept we gotta submit every thursday too.. eeps. *breaks down and cries.

oh the magnitude of stress we have to take. almost broke down last night when i couldnt do my documentary treatment. good thing sayang made me sleep 'else i wouldnt be here right now hahah.. finally thought of something this morning and finished it within 5hours. not bad eh? it's pretty rushed, but i'd say i'm pretty glad with the outcome. see what full concentration can actually do?


i slack too much lah.

the merdeka three-day weekend has been great coz the significant other finally got a long weekend off work! and.. now he's back to work again. my poor baby *sayangs. which is why i probably subconsciously allowed myself to believe that i 'couldnt think of any "interesting" ideas all weekend' hahah.. thanks baby for the awesome weekend. wont be forgetting it anytime soon! :D heheh..

dammit. i have no pictures to post. *pouts. i take too little pictures now lah. my baby sony has gone into neglect. camwhoring is no longer a daily necessity. haihs. gotta remind myself every day: TAKE MORE PICTURES! hahah.. director of photography in training konon. yeah, right.

so.. i'll be off for now. jas'll be picking me up in an hour i think. gotta go think of some ideas for my CIMB Bank Clicks ad. wish me luck for my documentary pitch this afternoon! toodles~.