ahaha okay my semester finally ended the moment i submitted my typography assignment this afternoon (thank God susan didnt say anything; so i'll take that as her liking it. heehee). so yay! i am OFFICIALLY FREE!
am rushing this post coz i've gotta go back home soon. my two VIPs in the form of auntie jenny and my darling baby bro of a bugger finally arrived at vista prima this afternoon so they're in my apartment now. ohmygawd home cooked food in vista prima done my very own mommie~.. *drools. i shall always remember the taste. ahahaa..
so yeah. will be going with them to the ntc (national tennis centre) tomorrow coz the bugger has a tournament till prolly this weekend.. so i'm gonna be awol at least from the internet till about then. which is, before i get to singapore lah. wheeee~.
holidays finally here.. singapore soon.. family here.. tennis tournament.. home next week.. fun fun fun.. *sigh. what better combination can there be?
ahaha okaylah. gotta chao. hafta pack pack pack! okies then ppls. have a very happy happy hols! - to those lucky asses (like me!) who's got their hols liao. ahahaaaa =p jk lah. lol. all the best also to all those still having exams aka the a-levels ppl and whoever's having finals! ehehe.. =)
take care and toodles! i'm off for breakk~!! whee i'm getting hyperrr.. =)
tired tired tired..
i'm so depressed.
had a sinus attack this morning.. which is why i'm stuck here at home right now not being able to do anything while the rest are out celebrating. i hate my NOSE. anyone got a remedy for sinus? i'm open to anything. i'm willing to try ANYTHING just to get it out of the way. arGh. bloody sneezoitis. *sniffles.
the sem is (un)officially over for me. so relieved when i finally submitted the two assignments yesterday for the mci classes. went for almost two days without sleep at all save 20 measley minutes of shuteye while waiting for huay-theing to pick me up so we could go to college. -_-"
however.. am very glad that it's all finally over. yesterday was too tiring for any celebration though. which is whyyyyyy today i'm not supposed to be here now! agh. supposed to be living it up to all the stress of the past few weeks. =(
but anyway. got one more last day in college which is just to watch a film and submit my typography. susan (typo lec) seems to like my work. yay. i think i design better on the computer. ahaha i cant draw for two shits. luckily susan likes it lah.. coz i doubt my markers work is gonna help me for my graphic communication unit! =D i made rain look so ugly in my markers portrait. *sigh. ahaha..
so this monday.. we're gonna finish watching the film we did for our take home exam.
the buried secret of m. night shyamalan by nathaniel kahn. cant wait cant wait. =) we only seen a small excerpt for the exam. seems good tho. wheee.
ooo well. minus the not being able to go out today part, everything's sort of been in good news lately. but there's EVEN better news, which is:
ahaha i'm so excited i feel like a little hyper kid again. i just cant wait. about one month since i last saw them liao which was when i left them at klia to come back to puchong. but i havent seen uncle for almost four months! =( but yay. will be seeing him in about a weeks' time anyway. ehehe..
so actually auntie and ivan are supposed to come on monday night, with kevin and auntie audrey too.. but i guess plans got changed so i really really hope they'll be able to get on the flight tomorrow night. =) yeay.
i'm so tired. this nose of mine's really wearing me off. somebody help.. =(
it's getting late..
i have been reading instead of doing my work.
my best friend's girl, by dorothy koomson, borrowed from chiamie dahlings. great light read; a page-turner from the first page - i had tears in my eyes already. but it was such a
procrastinate procrastinate
procrastinate. it should be made into a sport, seriously. procrastination, i mean. it'd be the world's most popular yet boring sport. popular, coz everyone would be doing it, but boring, coz obviously there'd be no spectators. cmon, who'd be watching a person slowly procrastinate to determine its winner instead of watching something more action-packed like soccer or tennis??
ahahah whaddahell am i saying lol. i'm talking crap coz i'm stressed out. it's late and the 1500word essay that i promised myself i would have done by midnight is still
roughly on its 100plus word count. i'm supposed to be adding to that count but here i am blogging and getting hyper coz i've got
three assignments due this friday and a
moral exam tomorrow which i havent studied at
ALL on! well, minus the fact that i've already technically passed moral coz my currently added marks are above the failing grade.. but still. i wanna do good anyway.
aghhh.. how oh
HOW do i manage to do this every sem, for almost every assignment, without fail?? effety effing eff. but somehow, i'd manage to get thru every sem. this time,
WORRIED LAMF LOHHH! then again, i've always been worried anyway. maybe it'll all turn out good again, as usual? aghh i'm not even talking/writing right right now. stressssss.. i'm such a lazy
POS.(*please do not mind the absurd acronyms that seem to not make any sense. the writer is stressed out
MTTMAB and has no definite idea of what the
FSOE she is doing)
chiamie's busy studying outside. i cannot take it. i have to do my work. but i caaaanntt.. somebody give me a good
camera rolls..
"pain is temporary;
film is forever."
- peter jackson
i've just finished watching yet another part of the lord of the rings extended dvd edition which i've borrowed from jas; promising myself that i'm gonna get
all three extended versions for my collection one day. it's so
beautiful - and that's all i can really say right now.
still emotionally-wrecked by just watching the makings and all the bittersweet years it took to finish such an amazing film (film[s], if you may, considering that all three films were done at the same time), all i can do now is just sit here in wonder.
tear-soaked tissues are still everywhere on my table. film-making's tough, that's for sure, and obviously not as glamorous as most people seem to think it is.. but it's beautiful art.
i've yet to watch all of peter jackson's work (yeah, i havent even seen king kong), but rewatching the lord of the rings again really just.. i dont know. especially after watching its makings and all the hard work poured into it, i'd really love to make a film some day. of course, i'm not saying i believe i can make another film of lord of the rings stature, but hey. you never know. one thing for sure is, i'd really want to produce a film that would create an impact. not just an impact on the audience or critics, as most films do, but on every other aspect. the director, producer, talents, camera crew, digital crew.. yknow, the works. such an impact that it would be so hard letting go of it; letting go of the bond that tied everyone in the team. now, that.. is
beautiful. even if i dont get to be the one making it, being a part of it would suffice.
watching peter jackson in tears as he did the very last pickup scene back in hobbiton where frodo was talking to sam about the pain that's never really healed (refer to the end of second last chapter of the third film), it just wowed me to no end. lord of the rings enthusiasts, well, even if you're not much of a lord of the rings person but are really into filmmaking,
GET IT. it's super worth it.
ahaha *siGh. no advertising there. i'm just saying how good it really is. =)
altho producing films wasnt really that much part of my things to achieve (technically, i wanted to just produce travel docus and go round the world), but well. i'd definitely wanna do a film at least once in my lifetime. =D
and so the camera continues rolling..
change is good.
i think this blog calls for a drastic change. real soon. i'm starting to get so bored with it. ahahaa.. change in terms of.. everything. =) hrms. will see how things go..
saturday mornings..

i love saturdays like these. sunlight streaming in thru the windows.. that feeling inside where you know that no matter what happens, things are going to be all right.. it's that feeling of calm that you've been waiting for all week.
i like.
add to that the thought that auntie and the buggers are coming soon.. that there's a whole week of tennis heart-attacks to enjoy.. that there's singapore and shopping in just a bit.. *smiles dreamily. perfect.
but of course, minus the thought of the three assignments that i've still got to complete before next week's end.. wahaha.
so anyway.
like i've said before, the stress-iest part of the sem's over, right after the submission of the film&television take home exam (which reminds me once again that i've REALLY got to study this coming hols! dont wanna screw up next sem. yikes.) but there's still a bit more to go before i'm officially free for two months.
'sides that, the bunch of us got to be extras in the upcoming series gol&gincu which is currently being shot in limkokwing. ehehe.. we were just watching the shootings as usual as part of our industrial thingo (me, jas, h-theing and fern) when one of the asst. directors asked us to join in the scene. so voila!, first big screen appearance of us girls. lol. but to tell the truth, i'd much rather say it's a small-speck-in-the-corner-of-the-frame appearance. lol. we were basically just walking around the place to make the scene not look so empty, yet not too crowded either. jas&fern got the walking around part while h-theing&i got the walking up the stairs part. ahaha it was quite not bad. got closer to the actual realm of filmmaking even before next sem! and well, though it's a well-known fact that filmmaking isnt as glamorous as it sounds.. it really isnt! ahaha.. but i still love it anyway. cant wait to produce something big of my own. soon.. very soon. =)
havent been going out much lately, except for last week when chiamie and i went down to subang for cheryl's bday. =) it was so fun, catching up and all. makes me miss high school at times. saw lynda who i've not seen in aGes, and euphrasia too! ehehe.. managed to slot in time before that to find the two ngiauchi po's as well. so here's a shoutout to all of 'em:
ALL THE BEST TO ALL YOU A-LEVELS PPL! KICK SOME ASS. =) then we go back miri have some more fun. =D
here's piccies~!

ngiauchi po's!

group pic of subang homies.

we couldnt wait for the cake to be cut. cheryl's so scared of us! heehee.

the first day of shootings that we attended..

posers got bored waiting for class scene to end.

some more posers dreaming of bigscreen debut haha.

second day..

.. being the cam-hos that we are, we just couldnt resist. =)
okies i think that's enough vain pics for now. ahaha.. toodles~!
well, at least more stress-free than i've been for the past couple of weeks. just a few more assignments to go before the end of the sem, but hey, i guess it's finally all good now. =) all the strain from the past couple of weeks finally ended when we submitted our film&television take home exam and typography assignments yesterday.
the past few weeks have been nothing but
procrastination, work, all-nighters,
procrastination, work,
procrastination, more
procrastination.. and in that order. hence the added pressure. ahaha..
padan muka lah got work to do still relaxing there. =D wont be promising myself to change coz i know for sure that i wont anyway, so it's pointless ehehe..
1week, 1day and 1class to go before this semester officially ends for me. oh. wait, make that 2classes. ehehe.. after that, it's goodbye work, and hello
partayyy~! =) plus all the hot new films that're coming out this summer, daymnn. good thing for hols or else i wont be able to do any work at all. lol.
the monday after next, auntie jenny and the two buggers are coming over for the tennis nationals. after a few days of enjoying tennis and getting my regular heart attacks from supporting the matches, it's down to
singapore! whee. cant wait cant wait. *wicked gleam in eye. no need to explain what that's for. =)
after about a week plus in singapore, it's
home sweet home.. *sigh. just thinking about it's enough to cheer me up anytime. home for two months! i havent been home for that long since a year ago. =( cant wait cant wait.
gee i sound like some overexcited kid bouncing up and down in the car on the way to disneyland or sth talking about all the rides to be played. hrms. okay dont mind the example i dont even know where it came from. i guess.. it just feels
real good to think that home's so close now. =)
ahaha okay i admit that as of late, my blog seems to be on certain periods of hiatus and sudden reappearances. blame it on the absence of internet again at home! lol.
no time to blog though lately been so busy with work work work and more work. will be so glad when monday's out of the way. at least there'll be a bit more rest then.
hols in three weeks! then it's two months of play, relaxation, and bumming. wahahahaa.. the life.
till then, i gotta get back to preparing for tomorrow's presentation. toodles!