the past week has been a blur of going outs, eating ins and having fun. but nothing still changes the fact that debby's leaving soon.. =(

one of last going outs with deb at sunway. kimgary's! yummmmm.. i HAVE to learn how to make cheesebaked rice. =) watched herbie:fully loaded too. pretty cute lah. typical disney feel-good movie. heh. from left is hetty, me, deb and chiam.

debby's farewell dinner party at chiam's place. we COOKED! well, plus deb's ordered chicken wings from shakey's.. but well.. i cooKed. tho it was only potato wedges and sausages in tomato sauce, but the fact still remains. i cooked! wahahaaaa.. and it was pretty okay too, if i must say so myself. wahahaaaa. so bangga. chiam made the sayurs and deb made the jelly. had fun lah although it was such last minute planning. ehehe.. here's a pose of everyone looking cool..

.. or not. ahaha..

here's another farewell for debs but this time it's at pizza hut and with the girls. wonder where david came from? ahahaaaa.. from left, chiam, carol, judy, lizzie, alicia, deb, me, david.
this has been such a busy week. and i've barely started my assignments! agH. i'll do them when deb leaves tho. only have few days left with her.. =( i'm gonna miss her so much.
at uni doing nothing in particular with not a single class to attend because there's some merdeka run event thing going on.
could have been home sleeping and lepaking doing nothing. at least better than doing nothing here. got no camera with me so cant exactly take pics of the event. a lot of other unis here though.
i wanna sleep!
expensive birthday.
yeaps. we threw james in the pool alright. plus debs too who was the other extra victim.
what we didnt count on was everyone else falling in too and having at least 4 handphones broken. it was fun tho. minus the handphone part. i was one of the lucky few who survived. almost went in too but the security guards arrived in time. lol. it was damn funny.
what's EVEN more funny is the fact that the on the same day itself, (the pool thing was midnight) considering the fact that james' phone survived the pool and didnt get wet, the birthday boy was smart enough to leave his phone in a cab and forgot all about it till he got back. ahaha.. how ironic. but he doesnt seem to be as worried as he should be. o_O
ahahaa.. well. maybe more updates on crazy stuff later. got class in 15minutes. agH hafta stay till at least 7pm or 7.30pm tonight! feeling sleepy already. *yawnS.
all classes canceled today. not that it makes much difference to me since i've got fridays off anyway.. but well. everyone else were free too so that makes a lot of difference. as always, i contradict myself. =)
only slept at 5am the night before. guitar all night! ahaha. so fun. i wanna do again. but so no mood today. cant do chromatic scales right. roy's mean. mean instructor. ahaha.
slept all the way till 3pm. mygaawwdd. and there's dodoL's bday tomorrow! we gonna throw him into the pool later at 12am. cant wait. teehee. feeling like a lil kid again. fun.
happy bday james!ahahaaa.. dodoL!
it's been such a hazy week. barely breathable. so.. due to me not having much to say at the moment, i have more pics! ahh.. the delight of digital cameras.. though i dont have one myself here. anyone willing to sponsor me a sony cybershot dsc-t7? i shall love you forever. <3

prime minister coming today to limkokwing for the officiating of the product branding thing. merdeka soon. hence the big malaysian flag. oh so patriotic! (not.) check out the haze above the plaza. it's even INSIDE the place!

this is the view of the haze when you look out the plaza. can barely see more than around 500metres. wonder how many years of my life has been cut off in this week alone?

haze in puchong. the view from my room that used to be so clear and nice but is now so bad. and that picture was taken at 8am! it's worse at around noon. they should close down limkokwing temporarily together with other schools in kl. that way, we can stay home without worrying about attendance. =)
home sweet home.
or, in other words, room sweet room. =) here's pics of my new room! not that i have many of my old room, but. hey, come to think of it, i dont think i even have one of my old room! *sigh. that just goes to show what a lousy tenant i am. i loved that room, by the way. but enough rantings. ehehe. here's some bits of my NEW room in block c-05-08.
my side of the room which is actually my table that has everything on it. lol. my Mother Mary picture, laptop, mirror, books, and all other necessities. the pink handbag is deb's by the way. =) i'm still on the search for the perfect handbag. ehehe.
and well, i DID want to put a pic of deb's side of the room, but she claims i took a lousy picture and doesnt want it published. lol.
okies. more pics to come. eheheee..
i'm in the library, arthur's sleeping right in front of me, chiamie's busy doing her friendster-ing, shinki's reading the paper. i'm feeling more sleepy than ever. agH.
had a late night again last night after SO LONG. kinda reminds me of the old days when jess and the 16th floor guys were still here. nowadays mamak visiting just feels so different. when chiamie, debs and i go out, there's always an empty side on the square table. feels. weird.
met randy, james and david yesterday too. deb claims that we've got new replacements as ko ko's. lol. that girl. crazy. am going to miss her so much when she leaves.
hokays. as for first few days of being back to college, classes have officially started as of yesterday. got my timetable; apparently i'm still having fridays off but tuesdays are a killer! 10am till 8pm. the rest of the days are laid back though. either i finish at 12 or it's 3. 'fun' ey? heh.
went for design studies class this morning at the lab. lecturer came in and told us class only starts next week. apparently the timetable might be changed again and that we MIGHT have design studies on FRIDAY! great. only one day of being happy. *sigh. now only hoping for the best. =)