be brave. know that we'll always be with you no matter what happens.
Friday, July 30, 2004
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
confusion.. [uncertainty]
confusion..a mass of uncertainty
unsure of what to believe in
what to trust
what to hope for
nothing's right anymore
an emptiness in the heart
never there,
yet never fully gone
hanging by a thread of hope
hope? what's that?
a feeling?
a curse?
the power of hope..
the pain it can cause..
cuts the soul with an unending torment
how long will this last?
how much more hurt to endure?
how to heal a hurt that's never there?
it all comes to back to one
it's still the same
yet it's not
nothing's changed
just a feeling
a broken dream
was it ever there?
unanswered questions
things i need to know
to get over this pain
i dont want to feel anything
yet at times..
it just
Monday, July 26, 2004
arriving 9.15pm.

my mom and bro are coming back tonight! cant wait.. i so need to talk to my bro.. heh. oh well.. just updating here.. nothing interesting to post anyway.. supposed to be at tuition now but i skipped it. *BIG GRIN* VIPs coming back bah what to do.. lolz.. nolah actually i've a lotta homework to do.. heh.. came online to find some info for awhile then i'm going off..
cinta mencintai kita..
heyz.. this is a real nice song.. just wanna share it with you all..
Cinta Mencintai Kita - Ajai & Nurul
Tidak pernah ku sangka
Rupanya kau lebih ku cinta
Dari hati yang putih
Ku hadir untukmu sayang
Aku turut merasa
Gelora yang menghempas jiwa
Biar lama ku tunggu
Ku pasti kau tiba
Kau selalu menduga, menguji
Kejujuran di kamar hati
Membuatku dihimpit oleh keresahan
Kita memendam rasa dan bermimpi
Terbang ke langit
Langit yang tinggi
Bertemankan awan indah memutih
Sambut tanganku sayang
Bawa ku ke syurga impian
Tiada lagi curiga
Kaulah yang ku cinta
Kasih ku kasihi dia
Cinta mencintai kita
Kasih ku kasihi dia...
highlight of my day. oh brother!
i step through the door, fully expecting a boring afternoon all by myself at home. planning to have instant noodles (aka MEE MAGGI PERISA KARI CAMPUR TELUR) coz i feel lazy to cook. not that i can cook very well. heh. worried i might burn the whole house down. ahakz.. kidding lahh.. i dont cook that well.. there i was, just home from school.. after leaving my bag in my room, i checked the msgs on my phone. SUDDENLY.. the phone rang..
[hmm? who would call at this time of the day? it's not like there's anyone else at home.. besides, it's just after school]
me: hello?
unknown male voice: hey.. {pause}
me: erm, hello?
unknown male voice: hey.. joanne hah?
[who the heck is this? sounds so unfamiliar.. heyy.. maybe some hot guy leh.. WHY and WHO would be calling at a time like this?]
*hopes all raised*
me: yeahh joanne here.. {pause}
[do i KNOW this guy??]
unknown male voice: *snickers* you dunno who i am hah??
me: erm.. no.. who are you??
[starting to get kinda excited..]
unknown male voice: oi bugger! your BROTHER lah here! at a public phone in times square.. nothing to do so kacau you loh..
me: WHAT?! IVAN?? doesnt sound like you..
the gila bugger: heheheheheh.. well i have to go now. no money liao.. bye! {hangs up}
oh brother.. why are they all like that?? ahaha.. well yeah.. so that was the highlight of my day. cant believe i couldnt even recognize my own BROTHER'S voice! heh.. miss him la.. that gila guy's enjoying himself ALL the way in kl SHOPPING with some of the kch players.. and he just HAD to call to tell me about it. haihz.. i so wish i was there right now..
well.. gonna have to make my lunch now. laterz~!
Sunday, July 25, 2004
i just downloaded SO many malay songs which i've been DYING to get.. but guess what? i CANT burn them! haihz.. so sad laaa.. coz it's all in a different format. anyone knows how to change .rma files to mp3? PLEASE tell me ASAP! heh.. luckily can listen on the comp lar.. but it's not as fun sometimes when i wanna listen to it in my room. ehehe..well anywayz.. planning to go do my homework while watching mr deeds on hbo. yeayy it's showing again~! ehehe.. i missed it last saturday. after that i'm gonna get a NICEEEE sleep then wake up to school tomorrow. *sighz* this is such a sad entry. but then.. true waddd.. nothing interesting happened today. so i'm just gonna have to bore you all with *aherm* 'interesting' bits of my day. lolz. ooh! and besides that, wanna share sth with y'all.. check this out.. heh.
Which Harry Potter Marauder Are You?
i am padfoot aka sirius aka the guy who dies in the fifth book. is that a good thing or a bad thing? ahaha.. well gtg for now.. gnitez ppl!
school's tomorrow.stayed at home today.
missed church.
didnt exactly finish ALL my homework.
dreading school tomorrow.
hrm. that more or less sums up all i'm feeling right now. nothing much lah actually. just the usual sunday evening feeling of argh-there's-school-tomorrow-why-cant-weekends-be-longer-so-ppl-can-have-enough-time-to-finish-their-work-and-still-enjoy-themselves'.. ahaha~.. not that i actually make full use of the time that's been given to me this past weekend anyway.. heh. i'm such a procrastinator..
Saturday, July 24, 2004
konsert akademi fantasia ke-7
whew. good news! KAER is staying on! ehehe yeayy.. so happy.. was so scared just now when his name appeared at the SIXTH position. also ESPECIALLY after his performance which wasnt that strong either.. NOT FORGETTING the critics' comment about him being nervous and not giving his all.. *sighz* so worried he might get eliminated..but oh well.. all that's come to an end. for now anyway.. there's still a whole week to go for KAER to get back his confidence =) *aherm* 'LUCKY'-ly it's NURUL this week. ehehe not trying to be mean or anything, but i've been waiting for her turn since FITRI got out. i was already expecting her last week! however.. ZARINA ended up being the one leaving the akademi.. haihz.. well these are all my personal opinions anyway. if you dont agree, well.. not my problem-laH.. heh.. just kidding laa.. what i'm trying to mean here is that everyone have their own opinions on who they like and stuff.. so it's up to you.. i'm not aznil.. "undilah dengan bijak.. takrif bijak itu sebenarnya berada pada tangan anda.." ahaha~!
well anywayz.. kinda tired now. will update tomorrow or sth. till then, gnitez~!
demam akademi fantasia.
ahh! konsert akademi fantasia ke-7 akan bermula.. tuan-tuan dan puan-puan, saksikanlah kehebatan LAPAN pelajar yang masih tinggal dalam akademi.. siapakah yang akan menerima nasib yang sama seperti EDLIN, FITRI, ANDING dan ZARINA?heh.. well just a reminder to ppl who're not currently watching.. AFUNDI KAER!! make sure he doesnt get eliminated this week! ahhh~.. ahaha.. scared laaa.. last week was unexpected enough. aikz..
well anywayz.. show's starting. gotta run!
later days.. menuju puncak~!
damn the comp. damn streamyx. damn homework.
i think i'd better turn this damn comp off. or else i'd NEVER finish all my homework. heh.. i keep getting TEMPTED to come to the comp. damn broadband. hrmpf~ i seem to be blaming everything but myself huh? lolz.. i have NO willpower.
my addmaths left undone..
the WHOLE pile of homework i'm supposed to finish by TODAY!! *sighz*
hrm. wanna go make lunch now.. and hopefully, HOPEFULLY after that i'll sit down and do my work. heh. i'm gonna turn this thing off.
cool stuff.
ohh man this is sooooo cacat.. but FUN.. heh. ppl! feeling not at peace with the whole world today? feel like hitting something? check THIS out.. heh..oooh and this is cool.. heh.. took an anime quiz and guess what? i'm CUTE.. ahaha.. man these are all wu liao ppl do punya stuff.. i really hafta get back to my work after this.. but i just couldnt resist not putting it up. ehehe..
Cuteness and loveliness is your game to win the hearts of those around you. Although you seem artificial, stubborn and shallow at times, deep down, you're all about courage, friendship and love.
What Kind Of Anime/Manga Are You?
ahaha really gotta run. later dayz ppl~!
laziness kicking in.
woke up at 7.30 this morning. amazingly, i didnt sleep in. what's NOT amazing is that i'm supposed to be doing my homeworl but somehow i ended up HERE. hrm.just got a msg from my mom. ivan got a BYE for his first round but he's playing faez in the second round. sure hope he wins this one.. he lost to faez the last time they played. well, i THINK it's the same faez anyway.. not too sure about his full name heh. ahhh~ i really hope that siao kia can make it this time. that crazy bugger. yeh.. amazingly, annoying and mean as he can get, he's still the best bro anyone could ever have! *hugz*
doing his thing at the courts..
heh well anywayz.. was going thru some old pics in my camera this morning.. guess what i found? ehehe.. a pic of me and my lil cuzzie from singapore.. she's 7 this year and VERY cute.. heh. actually i kinda looked like that when i was younger.. =p *hint* she's cute + i used to look like that when i was her age = ?? you do the maths.. ahaha.. well that's what all my relatives say larh. we have this really foochow look. lolz.. except that now i look more like some african indian coz i'm so dark.. heh.
she always reminds me of that IKUKO girl in DARK WATER.. ahaha.. i think it's the hair.. anyone seen the movie? give me your comments.. ehehe..
Friday, July 23, 2004
alone + stressed mind = DIE ah!
i'm alone.i've no one to talk to.
i miss my bro.
i'm going insane.
hrm. this is so not good. heh..
ohh yeah i cooked dinner! ahaha.. unbelievable? believe it.. well even though it wasnt exactly 'cook' but more like 'reheated', it's still sth right.. ehehe.. so proud of myself.. heh.
plans for tomorrow:
- bm extra class.. gonna have to skip that coz there's no one to send me.
- catching up on hw.. DEFINITELY.. hopefully i wont pig in and wake up late =)
- start studying.. DEFINITELY.. berkala in two weeks!
- watch the whole week's episodes of Diari Akademi Fantasia that i missed
- watch the 7th Akademi Fantasia concert tomorrow night! ehehe..
wow.. took me so long just to get my tagboard up and do some changes on the layout.. ohh and i added new pics~! ehehe.. this is soooo addictive.. CHAR arrr.. all your fault.. heh.. but fun lah.. heh..aikz.. a few hours passed just like that.. have to get off soon.. with BERKALA in just two weeks time, i really have to get started soon.. ehehe.. anyone who sees me online too much, PLEASE tell me to get off kayz? ahaha.. jk lahh..
well anywayz.. PLEASE leave your comments on how my layout looks like k? ehehe.. guess i really gtg now.. thanks loads~!
it's da weekend!
it's da weekend ppl! time to parTAY~! heh.. that's if i dun think about spm lah.. ahakz.. we-ell.. just got home from school and i just felt the TEMPTATION to come online.. agHHH! this is soooo not good.. i've the comp to myself for the whole weekend! HOW am i gonna be able to concentrate studying? ahaha.. ooh.. this is gonna be hard..well my dad just went up to the estate to work.. might even be having the whole house to myself till tomorrow! i wonder if it's a GOOD thing or a BAD thing.. heh.. anyone interested for a partay call me up yah? food and drinks at own expense.. =p
muahaha.. dunno why i'm in such a crazy mood at the moment.. feel like doing sth to my layout again.. but i dunno what. any ideas? ehehe.. well anyone who's bored this weekend, TEXT me or CALL me yah? coz i'm definitely gonna be very free.. ahaha.. oohh man.. that line makes me sound so desperate.. ahaha.. but ohwellz.. it's gonna be a long weekend anyway..
well i wanna go do some stuffs first.. might update again later on.. till then! *peace*
Thursday, July 22, 2004
omg.. only after i read my entry did i realize i havent updated in a MONTH! i'm such a sad case.. =)long weekend..
havent been updating much lately.. heh. as you can probably see.. i deleted my old posts.. ahaha.. but well.. here i am again.. this time with a new layout and everything.. ppl! tell me what you think of it! ahaha.. damn this is so fun.. i used to be so html illiterate.. *sniff* so proud of myself.. lolz.. leave a comment yah? ehehe..anywayz.. today.. my mom and bro left for KL.. SPORTEXCEL-MSN-MILO-MSSM National Junior Tennis Circuit 2004 5th Leg to be held from the 24th to 26th of this month at Kelana Jaya. miss them already.. no annoying lil kid to bug. ahaha.. well hope they're having a great time even though i wish i was there!! i miss tennis compts.. =( and the WORST thing is.. they're playing at the MPPJ courts! which is most probably near the Dewan Sivik MPPJ! which is where the Akademi Fantasia concert is held every saturday! arghhh~..
ahaha.. well i think that's all for now first.. wanna continue with updating my layout.. dont forget to TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK k?
peace out..