ryousuke takahashi.

otherwise known as edison chen. ehehe. finally watched initialD yesterday! with char (whom i havent seen in aGes!), chiamie, rosanne and siok ngi. =)
real good movie. joanne yong recommends you watching it. *big grin. real good effects + real good driving + real goodlooking guys? ahh.. what more reason do you need? lol. that's reason enough for joanne here. ehehe.
good movie. or have i mentioned this before already? ahaha.. though i wasnt too interested in initialD when i saw snippets of the anime which seemed pretty boring at first, i gotta agree this is a worth watch. i'm on initialD roll right now! heh. or more like, an edisonchen roll. *swoon. edisonchen aka ryousuke takahashi in the movie who looks so cool and.. *sighz. words fail me. i can just watch and rewatch initialD over and over again. =) and to think, he was in KL when i'm ALL THE WAY back here in miri! haih. not gonna comment on that. heh.
ahwells. on another note, my lecturer called while i was HALFWAY WATCHING THE MOVIE yesterday. during the final kin tio racing part somemore. agH. he freaked me out at first coz i thought there was something wrong with my assignments. nearly gave me a heart attack when i heard his voice. only THEN did i realise he was just calling to tell me my marks. cheH. satisfactory marks la but not too good i guess. not that i could've hoped for more. i know i didnt do too well on my final exams. shyt. which reminds me i really have to stop procrastinating from now on and that i should NOT study last minute. aii..
with every happy thought comes an unhappy thought. life just has a way of keeping things in balance. but in that case i should have more things coming my way then, shouldnt i? since i've had so much shyt happening before. ahaha.. but guess that's just not happening. not now anyway. i hope. =)
true words.
Have you even been in love? Horrible, isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...
You give them a piece of you. They don't ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like "maybe we should just be friends" or "how very perceptive" turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.
- 'Rose Walker' in Sandman: The Kindly Ones by Neil Gaimanso real.
say cheese.
that was cheesy. ehehe. havent posted up pics for so long. ONLY JUST DISCOVERED blogger.com's new pic-posting system. so convenient now. so sakai of me. =) i shall now fully utilise it. heh.

the day before i came back to miri when we were all still at prima. just finished my final paper 2hours ago. heh. =) that's me debs chiamie and jessie!
second last presentation! MCM lab. forgot which number =)
mass media class. pic taken so long ago.

sushi king at sunway! final night for me at kl before coming back to miri. heh. that was two days of indulgences. yuM~. sushi king's sushi, secret recipe's yummie cakes, kimgary's cheese baked rice, just to name a few. *licks lips. ehehe..
okies that's pics enough for now. going out soon. hafta call char. dun think she's awake yet. ahaha.
very happy. will most probably be having my trial driving exam this friday SO will most probably be having my real exam next week SO will most probably be having my driving license soon! yeay. provided i dont fail lah. *touch wood. =) i just hope i dont panic. that's all i'm worried about.
on another note, gonna be watching initial-d today! my edison. *swoon. nice. i shall have to refrain myself from overdrooling at the cineplex later. teehee. not cool. am also going to meet up with charleniee hunnie after so long! cant wait to see her hair. aiii it's been aGes girl. cant wait. =D
today's at least not gonna be as boring as most days. well. maybe coz i havent been too much in the mood lately, but i sure hope that's gonna change. didnt even play tennis these two days. haih. but ohwell. not gonna happen again.
edison. lol.
yaH. that's it. i'm officially nuts. either i woke up on the WRONG side of the bed this morning or the RIGHT side. or probably the WEIRD side. shyt. i need to get out of this place soon. ahahaa..
wildlife of malaysia.
here you go. caught sight of orangutans hanging from the railings of the miri tennis centre the other day. i think they go by the name of ivan and aldrin. teehee. =)
been so rattled lately. things happening that shouldnt be. i dont know..
being home has been good. spending time with family, meeting up with friends.. i love being home. tho it lacks the craziness of being at vista prima, but at least it's HOME. i've missed it.
but these few days.. i dont know. being home and all? it's been doing things to the mind. or maybe i've just been emotional lately. i really dont know. it sucks. partly.
i've been reminiscing a lot.
being home brings back memories. memories i've tried not to dwell on. bittersweet. the good and the bad. moments in life that will always be remembered but have been locked in that little box in the far corner of my mind. to be shut out. always.
sights, scents, sounds.. snippets of moments. they're all coming back. even in dreams. they're starting to haunt.
i've put it all behind; so why now? i guess it's just the feeling of being home. the familiarity of it all. but i just wish it'd stop. it's not doing anything good. i'm worried. worried that it'd all make me start wishing for something that i shouldnt even be thinking of.
i really hope and pray that i wouldnt. i have at least more than a month left.
been sick. sinus attacks ever since saturday night. lousy change of environment. wish i was more obedient in taking my sprays and Clarityne. now my eyes feel all so watery as tho i've been crying nonstop, and i can barely go an hour without at least a sneezing fit, and in general? i feel like shit. feel like digging my eyes out. the top of my head feels so.. agH. annoying. trying to take my Clarityne routinely but it only makes me feel weak and tired. shyt.
okay, now that i've managed to bore everyone out with the gruesome details, at least i feel SLIGHTLY, if not much better.
been bumming for days. really gotta get a move and start playing more tennis. at least get my strokes better before i get back to kl so i can kick roy's ass instead of the other way around. which sucks. that guy's no gentleman.. ahahaa =p
hung out with chiamie yesterday! after so long of not seeing her. lalalaaa.. we tried jamming (a bit) with my guitar and her piano which actually sounded pretty okay. cant wait again. need to play my guitar more tho. practice! then can improve =)
what case of nerves?
i just realized after a lot of blog and friendster surfing that people nowadays are more tightly strung-stressed-depressed compared to before. why cant everyone just be happy and enjoy life? well okay.. that's coming from a person who's currently very content with life so it's probably not a very strong point. but then? why so much shyt going on now? life used to be so simple.
friends were the people you could always count on for anything. family would always be there for you, no matter what. life's troubles could easily be handled, with a bit of help from the people closest to you..
now, friends are hard to trust; backstabbers, liars. most only concerned with their own wellbeing. what happened to the days of i'llbebehindyounomatterwhathappenswearefriendsforever and all that shyt? family would always be there, but sometimes they just wouldnt understand, so there's no point.
every day going through life only able to worry. no room for pure, real enjoyment. no one's really happy. it's just a fact. life at the lowest moments feel like times from hell. you just wanna break free but know not how.
at times like these i'm glad i'm happy now. i have everything i could ever ask for, life means so much to me and i'm enjoying every second of it. sure, there's probably a thing of two i may be missing now, but there's so much of life ahead.. i cant wait to see it all.
a hell load of shyt's happened before, but that's the past now. i'm sure shyt would probably happen again, but at least i'll face it better and with more experience than before. no way i'm letting the same thing happen again. i know better now. i hope.. heh. but it's life experiences that make us better people, so what the heck.. =)
i am happy. thank you God. i love You and i love you all. mwahz to all my hunnies.
hiatus no more?
i've been a lazy blogger lately. ehehe.. havent really found much time to sit and type long stuff. even my emails are on hold! aii.. lazy girl. i aint gonna make empty promises to blog frequently coz i know if i do, i'll probably wont do them anyway. so. yeah. i shall just.. blog when i feel like it.
probably will have too much time on my hands though these hols. ONE AND A HALF MONTHS IN MIRI! what am i gonna do?! taylor's a-levels ppl going back to kl in about a weeks' time liao anyway =( as for sunway's a-levels and taylor's SAM ppl? long gone lor. haih. in that case.. got time to FINALLY finish my driving lessons loh.. =D i've been an extremely lazy girl.
i've finally finished my exams on wednesday last week. had tonnes of fun after that. but there was such limited time.. =( only had about a day to spend with jess and the rest of the guys before i wont be seeing them ever again. *sniff.
jess will be leaving for the states soon and i dont think i can go over to see her in kch before she leaves. =( it's amazing how we all met on the 2nd day of orientation and just somehow managed to click. friends like these you'll never find elsewhere. all the siao times at vista prima freaking the hell out of everyone especially kolien lil innocent ppl who just happen to be sharing the lift with us. no one gonna sing with me no more! and most importantly, no one bully chiam with me any more. lol. haih. but there's no way any of that's gonna be forgotten. we shall all miss jessie and when she comes back for hols we terrorise vp together again! eheheee.. cant wait.
as for the 16th floor guys - monkey, rudy, harry, bobo, dicky, atak and probably leo - wont be seeing them anymore either coz they're going back to medannnn.. *sniff. so short time getting to know them and now they leaving liao. gonna miss the times lepaking upstairs as if as we lived there too. lol. watching the videos make me sad. but well. i'm sure we'll meet again soon. when debs and i go track them down in medan! wahahahaa.. chiam too if she wanna but i'm sure she'd rather track ppl down in our own beloved state. eheh.
so now, here i am back home. been back for about a week since last thursday. been missing everyone so much! debs too now that she's back home enjoying in semarang. havent even go look for chiamie yet! miss her too. =(
planning to continue driving lessons next week. in the meantime, i shall just.. try not to get too bored. =D
miss everyone! *mwahs.