i'm baaaaack!
ah. it feels good to be back.. both online and home. =)
damn. it's been a long time since my last post eh? missing me much yet? or, more like, missing my
meaningless rantings yet? teehee. i know anthony is though. he misses my updates so much that he's getting bored. ooOo. =p
anyways. haha. the last time i blogged, char was still in singapore and my feet were still hurting from that 10hr walk! now, deb has just left for home and i'm back in miri and i've finished my internship at cnbc and chinese new year is just around the corner. daymn. so much stuff's happened.
where'd i start?
all right.
finished my internship first. the final week at work was pretty relaxed coz for the last three days, cnbc had this global celebration thing where we had
free lunches, tea, massage, manicure, lucky draw, etc etc. i was personally really hoping to win the O2 phone
SO BADLY. i mean, even if i got the
iPod, i wouldnt mind exchanging it with someone who got the phone
BUT of course, with my kinda luck, i didnt get no phone nor iPod. but ahwells. i got farewell gifts from my bosses anyway =D so i'm happy enough.
*sigh. my final day i was feeling so
sad. when returned my pass and walked out that door.. you wouldnt imagine how
crushed i was. it didnt help that i felt i
wouldnt see most of them ever again - even if i would return to work in cnbc, most of them wouldnt be there anymore. it was a pretty bad feeling.
i think that's the problem with me. i get too
emotionally attached to things.. then it's too hard for me to let go. *sighssss. happens to everything i get attached to. but then again,
arent most people like that?*sniff.
but well, we exchanged contacts so i guess it'll be all right lah. the world's so small now with technology and all.. we'll meet again. and tho i know they'll never see this,
so. that was last friday. the day
AFTER that, i
CAME BACK TO MIRI! whee. better still, i
came back to miri WITH DEBBY! ahaha.. deb flew back with me on the kch-myy flight. we were making so much noise on the plane, it's a wonder that no one came to shut us up. ahaha.. it's
so good to see that girl again..
so deb came, stayed with chiamie for first few days and stayed with me for the last few days. she's only just left yesterday morning..
cant believe it's all happened
so fast! just a while ago we were planning deb's visit to miri.. and now she's left already. *sniff.
pictures will be up soon tho. i havent been able to find my cable yet.. it's lost somewhere in my piles of luggage. teehee.
so there ya go. a much
'tapis'-ed edition of my last two weeks.
gawsh i'm so tired now. been sick since yesterday but i'm feeling much better today. i dont know why, but it seems that
i always get sick whenever debby leaves. ahaha. what is this hahh? lol.
well hokays then. next update: pics i hope!
cheers ppls! and have a great preparation for an
amazing chinese new year!
how come you're questionnaire-er's better looking than mine?!
there we were, well into our 5th or 6th hour of shopping, when we suddenly got
hijacked by these two guys doing some questionnaires for prudential.
celakaa.. once kena, no escape. terpaksalah waste our precious minutes on nonsense. *siGh.
char and i got so traumatized after that. and to make things worse, i got the
less good-looking dude somemore. aishh..
ahahaa.. but otherwise, yesterday was great la. yesterday and the day before that. i mean, what else can be better than hours of catching up, shopping, and
wholesome bitching? lol. =D
havent transferred the pics to my laptop yet so no pics to show.. agh. add to the fact that i've almost completely lost my voice. my penyakit seems to be returning. haih. make me cannot go out today niaaa.. =(
i wanna go i wanna go i wanna go.. but i'm so tired. and drowsy with medicine. and unable to speak properly. =( =(
thank You God..
for my
3.87 gpa and
3.85 cgpa!i'm so happy happy happy that
i cant sleep! but which is prolly coz i've slept the whole day already lah but no matter. hehe.thank You so much for blessing me with my grades!! i know, i know.. they're probably not too great to some of you but to me they seriously only can be
blessings from above. and unlike
SOME ppl aka
tasha the smart ass genius who got a
4.0 gpa (what the hell right?? ahaha) that i'm very happy for but also wanna throttle her for coz seriously, it's impossible to be so smart! but i'm still very glad for her anyway..
*huGs and major kudos to you dahling!
so anyway. i'm digressing.
*BIG SMILE. thank You soooo muchhh!
seriously, this semester i've been so
stressed out - after every exam only expecting the worst. i barely studied especially for subs that require
LOADS of reading and memorizing (which is only actually one - media appreciation) and i BARELY passed the first written exam! *siGh. i guess i pulled through with assignments and final exam.. although i
NEVER studied for that too, unless you count last minute studying in between falling asleep. ahahaa.. and that's the only B i got! whew. i really expected to fail media app. the most i'd ever expect was at least a C.. ahaha..
wow. a
miracle. oh wait, no, scratch that.. a
blessing from the Lord himself.
thank You thank You thank You!!
ehehe as for other subs business comm and prof writing i got an A-. business comm i dont mind laa coz i also sucked in that.. but prof writing?? i was hoping for at least an A if not an A+. *siGh. guess you just cant have everything.. i'm still happy enough.. but still! ehehee.. i'm not complaining i'm not complaining.. of course, compare anyone's writing with tasha's? i'm sure rose chin wouldnt even
bother to look at the rest of our papers. ahaha..
and finally.. my two A's! design study (*smug.) and intro to advertising (*double smug.).. ahahahaa.. but then i'm sure everyone else also got A's if not A+'s.. design study was fun, and so was advertising. =D but the best of all was getting the adidas report back! wheeeee.. huGs to
the rest of our advertising team aka adHoc for the
BEST ad ever! ahaha.. well i personally dont know if it's the best or not laa but from the way helmi commented on it, we sure did great.
yay to all of us! =) we did great, didnt we?
so yeah. ahahaa.. look at me, all ramblings. gosh.. please dont mind all this nonsensical crap.. but i'm just too happy now. or, in tasha's words, the best way to describe this feeling is
GLAD. *siGh. yes i'm truly glad.
thank You so much.
with tissue stuffed up my nose..
and a superly drowsy head. i wanna get back to sleep but i just cant anymore. i think i've slept too much. aghhh..
filled with
medication. i'm finally sick. celaka. went down to the doc's and got an MC for my missing work today. i can even
not go tomorrow if i dun wanna ehehe coz i've got a two days MC.. but we'll see how i am first lah by then. i wanna go tomorrow coz i wanna work in
production on friday! =)
oo and just as we (grandma and i) were walking back from the doc's, i saw this
really cheap top for $12.90! so i went and got it anyway. =) grandma only managed to haggle till $12 (really, i'm seriously lousy at doing stuff like this ahaha) and in the end she said she'd buy it for me instead so yEay. =)

oo and on a completely different note, i
want this car.
saw it along orchard the other day when i was out with the family. i wanted to post it up but i guess i forgotten. only remembered when i went through my photos ehehe..
so yeah. let me try getting back to
sleep again now.
it's raining.
i love
happy endings.deb might be coming to miri
next next week!it's a holiday and all i feel like doing is
laze around.*siGh.
yes yes yes i'm
bored. i dont even have anything to blog about at the moment. i'm feeling so.. devoid of thoughts. maybe because i've been overthinking for the past few days? but anyhows.
the weekend was alright. i dont know lah. lately i just feel so much like staying at home. waiting for more pay
$$ before i can get out shopping again. whee.
and my nose is running again. *sniff. it's been raining here everyday nonstop and i'm
cooldddddd. but i dont mind the rain lah actually. i love rain. all kinds of rain. =) i just dont like the cold too much particularly after i've just recovered from my sinus last week.
rain, go rain, it's raining, it's raining.
tossing and turning.
the five hours of sleep yesterday evening did wonders for my nose, but it completely ruined my night!
been tossing and turning, tossing and turning. wandered aimlessly in and out of dreams. weird dreams. *siGh.
on another note, though, the
WEEKEND IS HERE! YAY!aihh i need to get ready for work now.
ducked up, mind you. not fucked up.
wanna hear something completely ducked up?
i've got my SINUS today and it is oh such
bloody joy.i'd rather be
pmsing really horribly.
if there's one thing i realize since coming to singapore, it is this:
MAGGI Sup Ayam can never be as good as it's malaysian counterpart.
and you would think s'poreans are kiasu and only want the best. =DD