jingle bells..
may everyone have a blessed christmas this year filled with loooveee and joy! heehee. =)
it's been an awesome christmas this year.. the only thing missing was pa who had to celebrate far far away in indonesia =( it's also my first christmas back home since.. i dont know. so many years! haha.. the past few years we've always had it in singapore.
ohh.. what made it even more awesome was kevin coming back!! hahah.. bloody hell. imagine waking up all blur from sinus attacks and all.. then few minutes later auntie audrey came over with kevin! hahah.. the fugger arrived the night before and
no one knew! so
that was the present auntie was bringing for mie hahah.. and mie actually thought it'd be auntie's fab chocolate cake. o.O HAHA. yay the little kid is baaack =)
so yeah.. been indulging in a lot of shopping lately. i've just realized that miri may not be super in terms of shopping.. but if you just knew where to look and how, you've got it made. hehe.. it's literally been christmas everyday for me for the past few days lol.
three more weeks till kl! *big grin. but i know i'm gonna miss my bumming days here.. it's the last bum-holiday i'd have! *sigh. much as i complain how bored i am and all.. i'm gonna miss it. =( and yet, i cant wait to get back! hahah.. shite there i go again with my contradictions. eep. time to sign off then hahah.
ps. deja vu is screening in star cineplex! who wants to go let me know asap! hahah..
off to bekenu!
22nd dec. apparently it's some chinese festival thing today called 'tang yuan' or sth like that? haha i have no idea.. i just know that this time every year, we get to eat rice balls! yay! haha.. there's some meaning behind all of it also la but i dont exactly know what either..
so this morning i helped auntie jenny with making the
yuans - balls made out of rice flour. =) top left are the uncooked little balls; right after being rolled into shape.. then right and bottom left are among the ways to have 'em: either rolled in loads of crushed peanuts (*yuM my fave) or in sweet ginger soup.

heheh.. which is why later in the evening we're off to bekenu for dinner with the big family. =D yummy dinner awaits tonight. heehee. will only be back tomorrow morning, so everyone have a great celebration! =)
warning: super-long babbling ahead.

not good.
okay so the thing is, i caught it yesterday together with the ngiauchi po and zhan wei. i've already heard it was pretty bad; but since that review came from someone who's already read the book, i presumed it's probably coz reading the book first always spoils it for the movie (i have
never seen a perfect adaptation). so, never having read the book myself, i went on in and tried to enjoy myself.
bloody disappointing. not in adaptation terms, since i probably have no say in that.. but as a movie in general? just plain bad. okay, fine, maybe we should give stefen fangmeier as much credit as he deserves since it
is his first movie after all.. but even so! to put it simply.. let's just say i was glad i watched it on movie day where tickets only cost rm5.
in general, the film leaves a lot to be desired. okay, maybe i am a tad fussy in deciding my kinda fave movies coz i'm a stickler for perfection in terms of pictures and plot development and all that shite.. and i have pretty extreme tastes at times.. but this. really. it's just too much.
picture-wise.. o_O a lot of unnecessary shots. wasting a lot of time there when they could've gone for plot development instead. i especially hated the scenes with eragon and brom riding towards the varden. so-fckn-many shots of just them
riding! the only difference between those shots were just different angles.. what's more, different angles of
more or less the same environment! wtf. if you're trying to show a super long journey through many places,
show la those different places! all that could be seen were mountains and grass plains that pretty much looked similar. i mean, to any ordinary moviegoer, you'd just think it's all about the same thing. oh, and not forgetting the fact that it looks a lot like lotr, but a superbly bad copy. that aerial wraparound shot of the riders on the horses especially.. and that's only
my view of those shots. apparently the whole movie has been perceived of as that too. see
in terms of story.. i have nothing to say. it's just very disappointing.. coz i think it could have been SO much better. once again, unnecessary shots.. some not even needed to enhance the story; while the ones that are actually needed they either didnt put in or made it faster. to put it simply, the whole thing just looks very rushed. like a bad case of editing last minute and just dumping whatever you got in it.. and only after submitting your work you realize how much better you could've made it. haha..
however, i didnt hate the whole thing
lah.. to give the film due, i think the visual effects are pretty awesome for such a crappy film. but then again, maybe i'm not a visual effects expert (nor do i claim i am one in the other fields too lah, i just happen to prefer certain aspects in those fields so if those aspects arent fulfilled, in my own very personal view, it sucks). so, as an ordinary visual effects watcher, i'd say they were pretty good. i mean, come on, from the
team who gave us jar jar binks and
the one that did all those super stuff for lotr.. i hardly say we should expect anything less hehe.. i might be biased tho coz i'm a fan of
weta digital since i saw the making of lotr hehe..
all in all? bad. only visual effects was okay. haha.. my personal view is that that was probably the part that director fangmeier focused on more since he was, after all, previously visual effects director for films like saving private ryan and lemony snicket's a series of unfortunate events. heheh..
so.. what i think is.. if you really wanna learn tips on what
not to put in a film, watch this one. i know that's a pretty bold statement for me to make, but i really think so! you dont have to be a film expert to know it.. all you have to do is just watch and you'll realise.
haha fck. i'm so mean. i just hope karma wont come back at me where my films in the future (that's me crossing my fingers and praying really hard i
might even do those) would turn out as bad, if not worse. ehehe.. so maybe i shall just stop here with the dissing.
anyway.. christmas is around the corner. i want either this..

or any of the others in the
series. there's also 'create', 'pause', 'begin', 'dream', and 'think'. now, tell me.
who wouldnt want 'em?! ehehehe..
chicken cheeeeseeeee..
i am currently having a fckn insane craving for ramly chicken cheese burgers.
i wish i was back in prima.
and no, luckily for you i do
not have a picture of the burger.. but. just imagining the yummy taste.. the gooey cheese oozing outta the sides.. i think there's some form of dadah or other in those burgers, i swear.
aghh i'm killing myself!
this and that.
okay that's it. it's been officially one whole month of crazy bumming around not doing anything productive. today onwards, i shall make myself more useful. yes. that i shall. =)
beginning with lepaking sessions first! haha.. plus the ngiauchi po's back so there'll be plenty to ngiauchi about..
but first of all..
CONGRATS TO THE S'WAK TENNIS TEAM!hehe defending champions held their title again for the borneo games in brunei this year. baby bro just got home yesterday; won all his matches. *sniff. so proud of him. he's sucha big boyy alreadyyy *bawls my eyes out* i cannot believeeee it. haha.. too bad i didnt watch him playing this time though haihh.. but well. a job well done to the team once again though! hehe..
finished editing a rough copy of my tennis clip. i dont like it. need to make more changes.. might be using it for the development programme. eep. well at least i've SOMETHING to keep me busy hehe..
and i've moved my workstation to my room. officially. hopefully this'll help me work more haha.. and i've just realized how many gadgets i've accumulated over time o_O but that's not the scary thing. the scary thing is - how much i've grown to be so dependent on them! heh.
lovingloving adidas. loving their
ad. it's so cute and happy. made my day. =)
idiota. =)
remember the idiot who bought a firewire cable for her baby handycam only to realize that her laptop doesnt have a port? well. it turns out that she's an even bigger idiot.

i swear. i dont know
why i didnt check below my card reader. which was why when i got the cable, i
KNEW i've seen a firewire port SOMEWHERE. haha.. i just forgot where. idiot.
been busy capturing my rushes all morning and editing them on whatever slow memory i've got on my laptop. but still. it's better than nothing! hehe.. although i do admit, finalcut pro seems to work better for me. maybe i'm just not so used to premiere pro yet, but well. there's just odd functions missing here and there and it's not as user-friendly as finalcut. hehe.. but maybe that's just me. =) i miss my ftv15 mac and finalcut pro..
the rushes i captured was for the mini-tennis weekend held at the tennis centre last weekend; where i was the 'unofficial' photographer and cameraman for this bunch of people:

upcoming miri tennis stars! hehe.. =)
so.. other than that.. went and chilled at taman selera with the cousins too! havent been there since i got back and i finally got to have my
lak bi th'ng! heehee. it's as good as ever.. polished up two glasses. o_O haha.

once again.. home's still the best place to be. =) i can never, i repeat, NEVER get bored with this view..

my heaven on earth. =)
and on a final, completely different note, my baby brother's sixteen years and a day old today!
one's the face he's always giving me; and the other is when he's being nice.. no prizes for guessing which is which. hehe.. too bad he's all the way in brunei tho for the borneo games =( so we cudnt celebrate his bday yesterday together.. i've been bugging auntie jenny all week to go too and we were SUPPOSED to go today but because of my stupid sinus attacks last night, trip canceled. *depressed. ohwells. guess i'll just have wait for tomorrow to continue bugging him again then. *lights up. heehee.
deja vu.
tony scott + jerry bruckheimer + denzel washington = the one movie i cant wait to watch at the moment..

just seen another preview on hbo.. and it looks promising. i doubt i'll be disappointed; havent
not liked any film by scott or bruckheimer yet. and denzel's an added plus too! hehe.. i'm just looking forward to seeing how they'll be pulling off the story development; deja vu - how's scott gonna tell it? the trailer made it look pretty far-fetched what with the whole looking back four days in time thing going on.. plot development'll have to be tight; 'else it's gonna look weird. however, i already know that the cinematography's gonna be perfect - it
is bruckheimer after all. my kinda pretty pictures. heehee. arghhh cantwaitcantwait!
just checked
Cinema Online..
and MIRI
i'm in shock.
*sinks into depression.
i've been waiting since.. forever. okayokay fine. not forever la. but at least months ago ever since i first saw the trailer.
i wanna watch it in its pure majestic glory; with proper surround sound and hugeass screen (okay not that miri's star cineplexes have
THAT big screens
lah..) but well. that's not the point here. and i'm afraid my poor little speakers just wont do it justice. plus, i'm not too keen on the idea of waiting forever for a clear dvd rip online.. *tears.
how come kuching's star cineplex is airing it while miri isnt?! pretty effed up wey. =(
my darling rain.
i wanna be watching his concert in kl next month.
but i dont know if i can.
anyone willing to be my
kaki to go with me? i've yet to find out the actual price of the tickets in kl. it's gonna be in bukit jalil.
*sad face.
time - they say it changes a lot of things. i guess that's true. and i know just as well as anyone else that those changes may have been for the better or worse depending on how we look at it..
all this time the memories have stayed; i cherished them so much altho they were the ones causing all the pain. the whys and the what ifs.. the scar's there - deep. but it's healing, slowly but sure. for three years it's stayed, now it's finally going. i will always remember, i wont ever forget..
if i could, i'd wait forever. as long as it takes.. but i know i cant, coz you no longer exist. the one i used to know is no longer here. all i am waiting for now is just a figment of imagination, a memory of who you used to be..
which is why i just feel this need to mark the closing of this chapter. a chapter with a story that lasted for such a short while but has left such a deep mark. one that hurt for at least three years after it ended.
so here's a tribute to a memory; a little something i still have from before:
tugging hard at the heart
this empty longing inside
wandering aimlessly
hoping so earnestly
for you
two and a half years
pretending i didnt care
hurting so much
this longing as such
for you
i thought i'd let go
i believed i was happy
living without you
without thoughts of us two
still i dream of you
yearning so badly
for something i shouldnt
existing in memories
making up my own stories
still i dream of you
but alas, it's hopeless
no fairytale ending
walking on by
in this big lie
in memories of you
i pray that you're happy
that she makes you smile
like how i used to
when it was us two
in memories of you
a big part of me gone
lost forever with you
i try to let go
yet i'm feeling so low
living without you
i miss you so much
wish circumstances've changed
but we've chosen this path
of a life that's so tough
living without you
(c) eleven 290406
there. it's been exactly three years and a week. life goes on. memories stay memories, not to be turned into hopes and fantasies.
i bid thee farewell, and good luck!
home: chocolate chip cookies, laksa and mice. o_O
kitchens at home are always the best.
just had auntie jenny's super laksa for breakfast; i swear, there is not other like it. =D and now it's choc chip cookies on the way.. agh.. this calls for more tennis! heheh.. lol.
so anyway. after weeks of dying without a mouse and not being able to do any work at all, i finally got one at the indoor stadium pc fair yesterday. couldnt find any i really liked so i just settled for the one that resembled my old trusty sony the most; black and transparent plastic. came home, plugged it in, and just STARED. i mean, the thing was blinking all colours of the rainbow! hyper one, this one. hahah.. my new baby's just ecstatic and looking forward to many fun times ahead. =)
ohgod. the holidays has reduced me to talking crap already. i mean, not that i dont already do that 24/7, but well. it's just a lot worse now HAHA.
had a long talk with auntie jenny over breakfast this morning.. god i missed being home so much. woke up with the bugger bugging. heheh.. this is THE LIFE, babes. just chilling and being at home, filled with love - now that's what i call holidays ;) happy happy.
*edit. i do realize my posts are getting more pointless each day. o_O i dont know how to write anymore! eep. help.