tennis weekend.
finally back from jalan duta - and already i am missing everyone so very much. *tears. i doubt i'll be able to see anyone i left there in the next couple of months, or even in the coming year (with, of course, the exception of mie and ivan - i'd HAVE to see them by at least end of this year - and probably aldrin and rem).
needless to say, i fucking hate farewells. they make me so sad.
i had so much fun even though i didnt even do anything at all. yeah i know, pardon the contradiction but it really is true. it was fun just watching the bugger play.. it was fun just hanging around the ntc all day long.. it was fun just being able to kacau auntie jenny and catch up.. it was fun just being with everyone else.. it was fun playing with the lil kids.. these are probably not most people's idea of fun but they really are - to me.
sigh okay i am
not going to get depressed. but i am sorely going to miss all these tennis compts.. hopefully this isnt the last.
there. ivan the bugger ended his tour this year with playing till quarters for both his singles and doubles. and thus ends my heart attack sessions too haha..
i'm missing everyone and everything!
maybe i shall just blog when i'm more emotionally stable. -_-
commercial break!
i just remembered something i saw together with the monkeys in kuching about a month back.
we were watching pirates of the carribean: dead man's chest at the riverside cineplex (okay, i kinda forgot the name coz i only know that the other one's star cineplex, but yeah. there's only two cineplexes in kuching and this one isnt star). so there we were, enjoying the film with our popcorn and all, when suddenly, halfway thru the film..

ahaha i dont know if it's a
biasa thing for cineplexes coz i admit, i havent been to all of 'em yet. i only frequent star (miri's one and only), gsc and tgv. but damn. this one was just funny lah.
what's more, it wasnt even a commercial break. it was apparently just a toilet break of some sort - showing that
interval sign onscreen and playing malay music. two minutes later, the film came back on.
i have to admit, that was cute though. maybe they wanted us to stretch or something; not get couch-potato syndrome. =)
ohwells. at least it's back to kl now with gsc and tgv. =) and no, i dont love cat city any less.
celebrated the august babies' bdays in the plaza this afternoon - veesa, sarah and shaq - to yummielicious chocolate indulgence from secret recipe.. *licks lips. yum. hehe..
veesa, sarah & shaq.happy birthdays!! and belated too. =) huGs.
group pic!no class today but suddenly had tutorials for studio photography with simon. my subject? the chair.

haha nolah was just testing the lighting and all.. cant wait for real studio photography to begin. anyone with ideas for my model?
i've been reading up language, discourses and other shite for the past few days that i swear i'm going nutters soon. the only good thing that's come out of it is that at least now foucault's starting to make more sense. not so stupid anymore ey?
hrmf i've been feeling oddly tired though lately. maybe i'm just restless. i wanna do something! auntie jenny and ivan yong come quickly!
daymn. this looks like some rushed note. lol. might as well just have a board and stick post-its then
voila!, insta-blog.
okay never mind. still have more readings to do.
of foucault and cows.
theorists are a whole bunch of weird people. sure, theories help the masses understand more about a particular area/subject/topic but why oh
why do they have to beat about the bush explaining something simple? it gives people headaches
lah. -_- plus, no need to make it so freaking
okay, i AM very pissed right now with the amount of reading i have to do for my classes - all of which involve theories of some kind or the other. wtf. my poor mind's all screwed up with instances of understanding one point only to find out in the next paragraph that
that point doesnt make sense anymore. critical thinking my ass.
fine, i admit that it's probably coz it's such a beautifully lazy sunday evening and i just cant bring myself to make the effort to delve into deep stuff right now. not only am i feeling ultra lazy today, ultra stupid's also been around for quite a while.
think happy thoughts think happy thoughts think happy thoughts.
my saxophone version of moon river's been playing on the loop and it's having a more calming effect than i thought. beautiful. i miss my baby sax. somebody please bring me to a jazz club soon!! i need to get out of saussure, volosinov and foucault's theories before i go cuckoo.
good thing that auntie jenny and the bugger's coming on thursday. i need another break real soon. missing them so much! a whole weekend of tennis, heart attacks (from supporting) and chilling with the family at the ntc (national tennis centre). now
that's what i call fun.
okay back to foucault now. took a longer break than intended. =D was having dinner/watching midnight cowboy between blogging. ta!
edit: making a big deal out of a simple matter's plain annoying. foucault's really getting on my nerves.
friggin' cows sleeping on the junction to desaria after we finished shoot the other night. good thing h-theing's is a myvi so at least could squeeze through one corner. wouldnt wanna wake the cows up haha..
sunshine thru windows..
i didnt exactly wake up to a bright saturday morning with sunlight streaming in thru my windows this morning - probably coz i woke up early. somehow i've gotten accustomed to the fact that the sun only streams in beautifully thru windows quite late in the morning over this side of the country. or maybe it's because i'm staying on the ninth floor and it takes a while for the sun to get up? it could possibly be the bloody haze that's taken over kl again though. i'm not too sure. whatever it is, i
did get my wish at about 1000+am. =D
it was just too beautiful to stay in. felt like playing tennis so bad but i've no
kakis over here.. not forgetting the stoopid fact that it's so hard for me to find courts nearby. -_-
today's the first time since i got back to kl that i've got a whole day to myself. been so busy the past two weeks with the shoot and classes and hanging out with the girls that i havent even had time to settle down properly and just chill. sometimes it's good to just laze around.. =) i'm such a homebody. lovin' it though.
here i am now sitting by my desk getting a start on my readings for one of my classes. as usual, my thoughts keep straying. ahaha.. no big deal already by now. "
epistemology, semiology.." "
relational rather than substantive meanings..". too deep for this early in the morning lah.. gonna need a drill to force everything in. but still, gotta get started somehow~.. here goes nothing.
took this while experimenting with shutter speeds by the limkokwing gallery in klc. looks like ghost town with jas as the main character haha.
sweet depression.
i have to keep reminding myself that the mojo incident was
not a dream. god. it was so sweet and surreal that i keep believing otherwise. somebody please shoot me. i'm obviously caught (once again) in the tight holds of another crush. god i feel like a little high school girl. listening to sappy music isnt really helping. *eep. this has got to stop. but still.. *resumes dreamy smile. a girl can dream, cant she? ;)
on another note, before i drift off into lala-land, the
sumolah! shoot was apparently cancelled today. we were pretty disappointed, but hey, i guess these things can get quite unpredictable. however, there's just this feeling that, damn, we're probably gonna miss the last day and god knows when that'll be. plus, i still havent gotten my picture with afdlin and gavin! somehow it's just depressing to think of it. -_- dont think dont think.
well now here's something happier to think about though. i met up with darwis today! darwis as in monkey darwis from the days we used to hang with the 16th floor guys back in sem one when all of us were still here - me, chiamie, debs and jess. he still looks as good; and seeing him in uni just reminded me of how much fun it was back then with the prima bunch.. especially the crazy videos we used to make, the at-least-three-times-a-night visit to
haikal's mamak, chuzzle on edy's comp aka the public computer, studying and finishing assignments with the rest of the nocturnals on the 16th floor.. ah, sweet sweet nostalgy!
the monkey was back in kl for a few days for his wushu competition, and if i didnt happen to be sitting at makanlah where i was this morning, i would've missed him completely! we caught up, and after he went off, i was left with this odd combination of happy-sad: happy coz i got to see him again yet sad coz he's left. after they graduated last year, i never thought for once that i'd ever see any of the 16th floor bunch ever again - especially not in the very near future. but it was great though. i miss everyone so very much; it's good that i got to feel at least a bit (even only a tiny fraction) of how it used to be again. it was sweet of him to mention too that he was just watching our videos the other day before he came over to kl.. *sniff.
okay now it seems that everything has a depressing touch to it. have to cheer up! was just watching schindler's list, and it isnt helping either. i'm in dire need of another cheesy, sappy romance. the kind where you (fine,
me then) would feel all sad and teary, but in the end you know it'll be a happy ending. i havent seen one in ages! wanna watch but i'm broke lah. been going out more than i should lately.. even the pay as an extra in
sumolah! isnt helping too much. argh.
being a student sucks - at least in terms of money. dont wanna burden the parents too much, but how'd i find a job in kl that doesnt involve spending at least more than half of my pay on transportation and everything else? staying in puchong (aka the middle of nowhere) sucks too.
to add to the depression, the kebin's leaving soon. wish i was back home today having my mom's sarawak laksa (the BEST IN THE STATE! heehee.) with them this afternoon and playing at least a final tennis match before he leaves..
i think i'd better take off now before this post gets any more depressing. i wanna wake up tomorrow to a bright saturday morning with sun streaming in thru my windows and nothing to worry or get depressed about except for thinking of what i'm gonna have to cook for lunch and dinner! yups.
ciao for now then.
edit: i just watched the sem one videos againnn~! memories can never be forgotten.. am currently missing everyone.
the monkey who came back for a day! heehee.
the annoying git has returned once again..
there ya go. after more than two months of being away on blog-vacation, the annoying owner of this blog who only goes ahaha, ehehe, heehee and forever talks nonsense (not forgetting using the word
procrastinate in almost every other post) is back online.
back in puchong, back in vistaprima, back in limkokwing.. back to the life i used to know before the two whole months of bumming and not doing anything in miri. damn that was fun though.
however, on the plus side, i'll be getting my broadband internet most likely by next week so at least i guess i wont be dying so bad in prima anymore.. now that chiam's no more there and all that's left in the house is me and shinki.. =( it's just different.
am blogging on the PCs in uni library now.
thank God they upgraded (well to me it's upgraded lah coz i dont like macs) to PCs so now everything's more convenient and the connections are faster. those old macs they used to have here sucked so bad.
so anyway. the beginning of this semester has been the busiest so far. stayed over at h-theing's place so many times in the first week alone (thanks so much dahlings!) and not forgetting the film shooting. oh the film shooting.. *big BIG grin.
afdlin shauki's been doing a film in limkokwing for the past week - his latest movie, 'sumolah!' produced by vision works. the
whole of uni's hall of fame has been converted into a sumo
dojo. it's damn cool but i have no pics now coz nothing's in my pendrive yet! so all of us took part in becoming extras and it was such fun getting involved in the making of the film. watching how scenes were shot, the hecticness of film&tv.. it's so good actually
working in it instead of learning it all that i cant wait to do it now! argh. daymn.
BUT, that's not really the fun part yet. the BEST part's that we got to work with the likes of afdlin, gurmit singh (my dahling
chu kang!), gavin yap, patrick teo, and so on lah.. later today's apparently the final day of shoot here but i'm already depressed coz my chu kang isnt here no more. he had to fly off to do some other shoot elsewhere. *sniff. everyone's so funny and it's not only their onscreen personas.. most of downtime when the crew are getting ready the set we're all laughing and enjoying ourselves. this is one experience i'll never forget and am sorely going to miss after it's over..
well then. dont wanna get nostalgic just yet. it's not over yet! hehe. till next time then. shoot's about to start. =)
for more info on
Sumolah!, check
this out. enjoy!