back to the old.
finally, after 6 weeks of no college, here i am back again in limkokwing. and vista prima, of course.
arrived at kl on monday and moved all my things over to my new room (aka deb's room & jess' old room). was so tired but happy to be back though i'm still missing home.
went shopping all day in midvalley yesterday - my poor FEET! =( - with chiamie, debs and yose. should've worn something more comfortable on the feet. anyhoos. i got new tennis shoes! cudnt find any newer adidas models though, but i'm fine with what i got.
have been seeing everyone these few days too after so long of not meeting them =) life's good. back to good old days. went up to the 16th floor to find edy last night but everything felt so different.. everyone else are gone already except edy and it's so quiet now up there. heh. real sad that deb's leaving soon too. only one month left with her. =(
my classes havent start yet; no timetable out either. went over to my faculty to check things out but there's not much there. enrolment for me only starts tomorrow.
ahwells. got other things to do so i'd best be off. ciaoz.
leaving on a jetplane.
all my bags are packed, i'm ready to goi'm standing here outside your doori'd hate to wake you up to say goodbyebut the dawn is breaking, it's early mornthe taxi's waitin, he's blowin his hornalready i'm so lonesome i could kiss me and smile for metell me that you'll wait for mehold me like you'll never let me go.coz i'm leaving on a jetplanedont know when i'll be back unfinished coz i forgot the rest of the chorus but aiyaH. like the song anyway. ehehe.
my plane's gonna be flying in about 6 and a half hours' time. i'm missing home already. i say that in almost every post, dont i? heh. but it's TRUE. well i'm so sleepy right now but my cds arent done burning. cds i gotta bring to kl with me. haiyaaaaaa wish i did this earlier.. =(
cant wait to get back to puchong. gonna have to start moving my stuff from my old place to the new one aka deb's room and jess' old room.
hope i'll have a safe flight back~!
peace with everyone. =)
see you when i get back!
just when i thought things cant get worse.
i just got off the phone with debs after she sent me an sms. she says she's moving back to indonesia by august.
i dont know what to do. i'm going to miss her so much. jess just left, and now deb's saying she's leaving soon too. yeah, sure, deb did mention she's probably gonna leave after this year, but i didnt realize it's gonna be so soon.
i dont know. i just feel so sad. deep down inside.. i wanna cry but no tears seem to be able to come out.
i know i should've gotten used so long ago to the fact that 'all good things must come to an end'.. but in truth, i've never really gotten it.
it all seems so rotten.
like i've probably mentioned before, you can't always have everything. but i just wish that luck would be on my side at times.
not that i wouldnt want debs to leave, of course. she'd have much better opportunities over there compared to here. it's just that.. i'm gonna miss her so much.
as the days go by.
i've only JUST realized how little time i have left back home and wondering, too, if i've really spent my time as i said i would. i dont know. i just feel as if time flew by so quickly. i feel as though i've only just stepped off that lousy airasia flight not more than a week ago. where did the time go?
i havent even packed. yeah, sure, i've been telling myself for WEEKS already that i'm gonna be going back soon. i guess i just didnt realize the magnitude of it back then. i'm missing home already just thinking about it even though i'm still sitting here in front of my computer with my bro on the phone outside and my mom hogging my laptop while talking to my dad over the phone. i cant wait to get back to puchong, yet, i cant bear to leave home.
but we can never have everything, can we? and that's something i ought to know very well. the time's finally up for me to leave. i'm going to miss home so much. my family, especially.
aghhHHH i'd better get on to packing now.
i'll be getting back to kl soon. *sigh.
i just feel so tired lately. tired of something i dont even know of. i'm happy to get back soon tho i'm already missing home just by thinking of it; plus i'm not facing any big problems at the mo.. so i really dont know what's wrong. i feel oddly.. tired and disconcerted. almost sad.
going back soon. cant believe how fast time's been lately. my one month plus back here in miri's almost over. i'm happy and i'm sad. i cant decide.
will be leaving the monday after this coming monday.
havent been in the mood for blogging lately due to certain issues but then as i've been so diligently blogging for the past few days before this i might as well keep it up. so mind the pointless and emotionless blog.
human pancakes.

missing the rest of the human pancakes so much. or, in jacinta's words, 'bread, tomato, ham and cheese'. missing puchong so much but things wont be quite the same anymore with one part of our ingredient missing.
love you all. <3 cant wait to get baCk! *mwahkz.
the big red Ps.
i finally got them on my car. well, technically, it's more like my MOM'S car but well. i drive it too.
ahahaa.. feels so good to say that. 'i drive it too'. lol. FINALLY.
got my license saturday night, but only had the chance to hit the road sunday. i realise my parking sucks. but then again, that's probably coz it was my dad's HUGE prado which uses a stick. heh. well i know i'm supposed to be used to manual anyway but IT'S A BIG CAR! ahaha.. okay. never mind. we can forget about my parking skills for now.
todayy? has been a lazy day. woke up with all the intention to start cleaning my room and i'm only halfway thru. i've got SO much junk to throw out and i dont even know where to start! so much things i cant bear to throw. i just realized one thing. the main reason why i'm so slow at cleaning my room is always coz every time i stumble upon something i havent seen in a while, i tend to take my time looking thru it and reminisce. well not that it's a bad thing; it IS good to remember good times once in a while. but then? it takes up so much time. i wonder how long i'm gonna take to finish it up. haihh..
on another note, i have officially two more weeks here in miri before i'm gonna be back in kl. back to everything i'm missing while i'm home in miri but also back to missing miri. now aint that contradictory?
havent heard that name in a while. our name for my sinus problems as invented by char back in the day when we were still wearing that light bluish vest for a uniform and i had short (really short) hair.
i had my sneeze-o-itis for two days straight since thursday. i swear, one day i'm gonna be SO tempted to either chop my nose off or dig my eyes out. SOMEBODY PLEASE FIND A CURE FOR SINUSITIS THAT IS PERMANENT! gaH.
plus my computer has been sick since tuesday so i havent exactly been able to come online much. stoopid hard disk got problem so had to get a new one. shyt. i can still hear the sound of money flying.
of murky pools and good durians.
i hate murky pools. especially if it's early in the morning and there's no one else around. i have a fear of wide open spaces of water. more so if i'm alone. i think i can never be a diver. good thing i didnt take marine biology. =)
heh. i'm swimming noontime next time around. lol.
ahwells. on another note, i had gooD durians AGAIN. *licks lips. yum. daddie brought more durians back home today! and tons of other fruits. lol. our house is practically like some market now. here's one for you durian freaks (like me!) out there:

ahahah.. there ya go. the remains of what WAS good durian. of which the contents are all now in me. yeCh. that sounds bad. ahaha =)
whoopee! i passed i passed i passed my driving test! all on first try somemore. thank You God. and i'm fecking proud of myself too. *grins. lalalaaa i'm a happy girl.
cant wait to get my P license. mr kok said to call him this thursday or friday and that i'd probably get it then. so i hope hope hope that i'd really get it soon so i'd be able to drive this weekend!
ahahaaaa i know i know. all you out there who've been driving for ages already are probably thinking: 'what's with this crazy girl? siao for a while only laH. after this sure bored with driving one'. heh. so what? siao mar siao loH. i like mah. that's my own problem. i know i'd get bored evEntually but i'm not bored yeT. so there. heh.
da dee dum.
what a weekend.
first of all.. i passed my TRIAL DRIVING TEST! ahaha.. no biggie, i know. but well. big enough for me. didnt think i'd pass since i dont have a manual car to practice with =) teehee. although i DID mati engine a few times especially when going out junctions (i blame this on mr kok for giving me a different car to drive that day!), but i guess it was just due to nerves lah. first time handling alone. lol. kinda proud of myself lah. didnt bang into anything *touch wood. ehehee.. like what my crazy brother said i'd do. heh. sooooo.. real exam's on tuesday! hopefully i'll be getting my license soon. was driving my mom's auto waja on friday and my dad's manual prado yesterday. damn fun. i'm beginning to love big manual cars. feel so powerful. ahahaaa but well. that's for tuesday to decide if i really can start driving soon or not liao lah. i'm trying not to be too hopeful. YET. who knows what might happen? ahaha..
on another note, been playing tennis lots too! ehehe.. i love being back home. i'm gonna miss playing tennis so much after i get back to kl. with wimbledon finals going on this weekend, haihz. busy every night with tennis. watching, that is. ahaha.. was kinda disappointed after the men's semis last night. really wanted johansson to win. not too big a fan of roddick's. ahwells. as i'm typing this the finals between federer and roddick's about to start.. which reminds me i have to go soon. =) i sure hope federer wins! ehehe..
aii nothing much to add now.. just feel so tired after this weekend. now looking forward to tennis finals! ahh.. what better way is there to end a tennis-y weekend? =D